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Django Flatpage Filer

An extension to provide easy integration between django.contrib.flatpages and Django-filer

"A file management application for django that makes handling of files and images a breeze".

Thw django-flapages-filer app aims to provide a seamless experience to users of the standard flatpages app. It enhances the standard flatpages Admin with inline forms that allow you to include references to your filer based images and files (attachments). It also allows you to easily maintain content using a markup format such as Markdown.

However, the contrib.Flatpage model (content, titles) is not be affected by installing or removing this app. Your templates do not have to be modified as they will still utilize the {{ flatpage.content }} and {{ flatpage.title }} context variables. Once it is installed, content changes are actually stored in a related model flatpages_filer.models.Revisions usually in a markup format. The Revision model which also keeps track of content changes making it easy to revert to an earlier versions. The modified Admin ChangeForm ensures you can view the latest version of your content in the appropriate markup format and when you save a flatpage this markup content will be rendered to to html via a specified parser.

Additionally, django-flatpages-filer:

  • Comes with a default Markdown parser. By default the codehilite and extra extensions are supported but you can specify your own list of extensions in your Django settings
  • You can easily write your own parser to support to support markup formats such as rst or creole.
  • Provides optional support for the excellent markItUp widget. This requires the installation django-markitup.
  • Provides templatetags to support HTML metatags such as keywords and descriptions in flatpages.



Create a virtual environment for your project and activate it:

$ virtualenv mysite-env
$ source mysite-env/bin/activate

Next install flatpages_filer

(mysite-env)$ pip install django-flatpages-filer

Add flatpages_filer to your INSTALLED_APPS setting.

Inside your project run:

(mysite-env)$ python syncdb

Django-flatpages-filer comes with support for Markdown

To include filer images in your content use a standard markdown image reference

![Atl text][]

For a link to a file

[Atl text][]

Where pk refers to the primary key of the filer file or image. To facilitate easy inclusion of the images and file attachments in your markdown content the Flatpages Admin now contains Inline image and file attachment forms which allow you to to associate the filer images or files with the flatpage once you save the flatpage the correct markdown image/file reference should is visible in Inline image form.

markItUp support

If you want to use the excellent markItUp! editor widget. Install django-markItUp:

(mysite-env)$ pip install django-markitup

You need a few configuration steps

  1. Add 'markitup' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting.

  2. Add the following to settings:

    MARKITUP_SET = 'markitup/sets/markdown'
    MARKITUP_SKIN = 'markitup/skins/markitup'
    MARKITUP_FILTER = ('markdown.markdown', {'safe_mode': True})
  3. You need to use the AJAX-based preview for the admin widget:

    url(r'^markitup/', include('markitup.urls'))

in your root URLconf.

Markup Parsers

Django-flatpages-filer includes a Markdown parser that supports codehilite and extra extensions. You can support additional extensions by first installing the extension an adding the following to you Django settings

FLATPAGES_FILER_PARSER= ["flatpages_filer.markdown_parser.parse",
                        {'extensions': ['codehilite','extra', 'abbr']}]

You can also supply your own parser by setting the value for FLATPAGES_FILER_PARSER to point to your parser

FLATPAGES_FILER_PARSER= ["myproject.myapp.creole_parser.parse",
                        {'emitter': FilerEmmiter}]

Note we expect that your parse would have the following signature

parse(text, [list of `extensions, emitters etc.])

Migrating From Flatpages-x

Before installing to django-flatpage-filer dump the data in the Revison model

python dumpdata flatpages_x.Revision > revision.json

Remove flatpage_x from you settings and install django-flatpages-filer and add flatpages_filer to the settings. To import your revision data edit revision.json and change all occurences of flatpages_x.revision to flatpages_filer.revision. Finally, run

python loaddata ~/usr/folder/revision.json


See the full documentation for more details.


Integrate filer with your flat pages






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