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Vim/iTerm2 Color Schemes

Here are some color schemes I've used for an extended period of time and like. I am keeping them here as a reference to share with others and make it easier for me to switch back in the future.

To get started, clone the repository to your machine and follow the steps for the color scheme you'd like to use.

$ git clone

To test your color scheme:

$ ./script/test

Railscasts Theme

Vim | Base16, by Chris Kempson

$ cp railscasts/base16-railscasts.vim ~/.vim/colors/
$ vim ~/.vimrc

  " ~/.vimrc
  set background=dark
  colorscheme base16-railscasts

  highlight clear SignColumn
  highlight VertSplit    ctermbg=236
  highlight ColorColumn  ctermbg=237
  highlight LineNr       ctermbg=236 ctermfg=240
  highlight CursorLineNr ctermbg=236 ctermfg=240
  highlight CursorLine   ctermbg=236
  highlight StatusLineNC ctermbg=238 ctermfg=0
  highlight StatusLine   ctermbg=240 ctermfg=12
  highlight IncSearch    ctermbg=3   ctermfg=1
  highlight Search       ctermbg=1   ctermfg=3
  highlight Visual       ctermbg=3   ctermfg=0
  highlight Pmenu        ctermbg=240 ctermfg=12
  highlight PmenuSel     ctermbg=3   ctermfg=1
  highlight SpellBad     ctermbg=0   ctermfg=1

iTerm2 | Base16, by Chris Kempson

$ open railscasts/base16-railscasts-custom.dark.256.itermcolors  # adds to iTerm color list
$ vi ~/.tmux.conf

  # ~/.tmux.conf
  set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
  set -g status-bg colour235
  set -g status-fg white

  set-window-option -g window-status-current-fg black
  set-window-option -g window-status-current-bg green

  set -g pane-border-fg colour235
  set -g pane-border-bg black
  set -g pane-active-border-fg green
  set -g pane-active-border-bg black

Thayer Theme

Vim | Vimbrant, by Thayer Williams

$ cp thayer/vimbrant.vim ~/.vim/colors/vimbrant.vim
$ vim ~/.vimrc

  " ~/.vimrc
  set background=dark
  colorscheme vimbrant
  highlight ColorColumn ctermbg=7
  highlight ColorColumn guibg=Gray

iTerm2 | Thayer (Vimbrant clone), by Bastien Dejean

$ open thayer/thayer.itermcolors  # adds to iTerm color list
$ vi ~/.tmux.conf

  # ~/.tmux.conf
  set -g status-bg colour235
  set -g status-fg white

  set-window-option -g window-status-current-fg black
  set-window-option -g window-status-current-bg green

  set -g pane-border-fg colour235
  set -g pane-border-bg black
  set -g pane-active-border-fg green
  set -g pane-active-border-bg black


Color schemes I've used for an extended period of time and like






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