A priority queue (PQ) is a container adaptor that provides constant time lookup of the largest element, at the expense of logarithmic insertion and extraction. Working with a priority_queue is similar to managing a heap in some random access container, with the benefit of not being able to accidentally invalidate the heap.
the type of the stored elements.
(public member function)destructor
(public member function)operator <<
(public member function) returns an output stream of the PQ's elements seperated by whitespace character
(public member function) returns a copy of the first element
(public member function) returns the number of elementscapacity
(public member function) returns the capacity of PQ containerempty
(public member function) checks whether the underlying container is emptyclear
(public member function) sets the existed elements as garbage values of the container and makes its size equals to 0resize
(private member function) increases the available capacity og PQ
(public member function) inserts element and sorts the underlying containerpop
(public member function) returns and removes the top elementbottom_up_heapify
(private member function) restoring heap order from bottom to toptop_down_heapify
(private member function) restoring heap order from top to bottombigger_family_member
(private member function) returns the index of the biggest node between parent and children
(private member object) container_size_
(private member object) number of elements in the container_capacity
(private member object) container's capacity
(friend function)test_top_down_heapify
(friend function)test_bigger_family_member_method
(friend function)
These functions are declared only in testing mode and they are used in order to have access in the private members of the PQ for testing them.
To use these functions, add -DTESTING
as compiler flag.