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Degas is an SVG drawing library.


npm i @cgl2/degas --save


createSVG(width, height)

Creates a new instance of SVGRef, given a width and height.

Kind: global function
See: #SVGRef for more on drawing operations.

Param Type Description
width number the total needed width for the canvas
height number the total needed height for the canvas


SVG Ref is the base class for all SVG drawing. You obtain an SVGRef instance by calling the method degas.createSVG(width, height). From there, you call the methods of the returned object to add drawing operations, moving to points, createing lines, circles and rectangles, and drawing text within the bounds of the width and height passed in initially. When you've finished drawing, call the method svg() to apply these changes, and return an SVG string representing your drawing operations.

Kind: global function


Returns an SVG string representing all operations currently applied to the SVGRef

Kind: instance method of SVGRef


. Clears any existing state from the current ref.

Kind: instance method of SVGRef


Sets the fill color.

Kind: instance method of SVGRef

Param Type Description
color string rgb, rgba, or hex color string


Sets the stroke color.

Kind: instance method of SVGRef

Param Type Description
color string rgb, rgba, or hex color string


Sets the stroke width

Kind: instance method of SVGRef

Param Type Description
width number the width, in pixels, for the updated stroke.

svgRef.beginCircle(centerX, centerY, radius)

Begins a new SVGCircle element.

Kind: instance method of SVGRef

Param Type Description
centerX number the x center
centerY number the y center
radius number the radius of the circle


Ends a circle.

Kind: instance method of SVGRef

svgRef.beginRect(x, y, width, height)

. Begins a new SVGRect element

Kind: instance method of SVGRef

Param Type Description
x number the X coordinate
y number the Y coordinate
width number the width for the rect
height number the height for the rect


Ends the current rect

Kind: instance method of SVGRef

svgRef.beginText(x, y, text, options)

Begins a a new SVGText node

Kind: instance method of SVGRef

Param Type Description
x number the X coordinate
y number the Y coordinate
text string the contents of the text node
options Object options to control display. Valid options include fontFamily, fontSize, fontWeight, and textAnchor. All are tied to their CSS counterparts.


Ends the current SVGText node

Kind: instance method of SVGRef


Begins a new SVGPath node

Kind: instance method of SVGRef

svgRef.moveToPoint(x, y)

Moves the current node to a given point. Applicable to SVGPath.

Kind: instance method of SVGRef

Param Type Description
x number the X coordinate
y number the Y coordinate

svgRef.addLineToPoint(x, y)

Adds a line to a given point. Applicable to SVGPath.

Kind: instance method of SVGRef

Param Type Description
x number the X coordinate
y number the Y coordinate


Ends the current SVGPath node.

Kind: instance method of SVGRef


Ends the current element. This can be generically applied to all SVGRef subclasses.

Kind: instance method of SVGRef


Degas is an SVG drawing library.






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