This connector provided the framework that can support multiple connector components to different webeoc boards. Two boards are included in this package. Incident Board and Position Log Board
- connector-base-util
- connector-base-async
To Build:
- Build the dependencies.
- Run "mvn clean install" to build the webEOCAdapter.
To Run:
- Copy the webeocAdapter/src/main/resources/contexts/webeoc-context to the same directory of the WebEOCAdapter.jar executable jar file.
- Use an editor to open the webeoc-context file.
- Configure the following bean properties: a. webEOCAdapter bean, sleepDurationInSeconds - define the duration between each polling cycle. b. uicdsIncidentsBoard bean, incidentName - name of the incident on WebEOC c. boardName - name of the board on WebEOC d. inputViewName - the input View of the board e. viewName - the display view of the board f. webEOCWebServiceClientConfig bean, hostURL - the webeoc server instance url api g. user - valid user of webeoc h. password - password of the webeoc user i. position - one of the assigned position of the user j. incident - name of the incident on WebEOC k. webServiceTemplate bean, default Uri - the XchangeCore host. l. credentials - valid username and password for the XchangeCore. m. webEOCWebServiceTemplate bean, default Uri - the webeoc server instance url api
- Open a cygwin or windows, change directory to where the WebEOCdapter.jar file is located, run "java -jar WebEOCAdapter.jar"