Review and rate people based upon their driving. It's all tied to the license plate and state for each vehicle.
- Next.js 14
- Postgres
- Drizzle ORM
- Tailwind, ShadcnUI
npx run db:push
- drizzle push schema migration to databasenpm run db:studio
- runs drizzle studionpm run db:generate
- creates migration sql statement in./drizzle
npm run db:migrate
- applies migration sql statementsnpm run test-production
- creates a production build and runs it
- DATABASE_URL={postgres connection string}
- AUTH_DRIZZLE_URL={postgres connection string}
- NODE_ENV={development or production}
- AUTH_SECRET={generated for auth js}
- AUTH_GITHUB_ID={authjs github id}
- AUTH_GITHUB_SECRET={authjs github secret}
- AUTH_DISCORD_ID={authjs discord id}
- AUTH_DISCORD_SECRET={authjs discord secret}
- AUTH_GOOGLE_ID={authjs google id}
- AUTH_GOOGLE_SECRET={authjs google secret}
- AUTH_URL={ for example}
The reason why I diverge and manually set this in production is because I don't host in vercel or cloudflare pages. These are made to auto detect said settings.