The Picnic and Fish signature schemes are digital signature schemes secure against attacks by quantum computers. This is a reference implementation of these schemes, associated with the paper:
Post-Quantum Zero-Knowledge and Signatures from Symmetric-Key Primitives
Melissa Chase and David Derler and Steven Goldfeder and Claudio Orlandi and
Sebastian Ramacher and Christian Rechberger and Daniel Slamanig and Greg
Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2017/279
The library is provided under the MIT License. The authors are Steven Goldfeder and Greg Zaverucha.
Tested on Ubuntu Linux
- Install Dependencies:
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libm4ri-dev
will install
, OpenSSL (, for AES, SHA-256 and RNG implementationslibm4ri-dev
, M4RI (, for precomputing LowMC constants
make matrices
This will build the program 'preprocessMatrices' -
This will create precomputed data required to implement LowMC in the directory "data". It only needs to be run once. -
This will build the project.make debug
will build with symbols and address sanitizer.make avx
will build with AVX2 support -
Runs the benchmark program -
Runs an example program that exercises the keygen, sign and verify APIs. See example.c.
Tested on Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2015.
Open the solution in VisualStudio\pqzk.sln
, build the projects.
In order to use the library, the folder "data" must contain the precomputed data (as described in step 3 of the Linux instructions). The preprocessMatrices program is not built on Windows, because of the m4ri dependency. One way to create the precomputed data on Windows is using the Linux susbsytem for Windows, following the Linux instructions above.
Picnic depends on OpenSSL for AES, SHA-256 and random number generation. A build of OpenSSL (x64) for Windows is included. To replace it with another version, Build the OpenSSL static library, and copy the following files resulting from the Windows built of OpenSSL into the VisualStudio folder.
- include\openssl*
- lib\libeay32.lib For instructions on how to build OpenSSL for Windows, follow the instructions from
Thanks to Christian Paquin for providing feedback on picnic.h and for adding support for a Windows build
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