Since an app we had on our phones keept crashing, no going back if accidently double tapping and such, I decided to build my own game app with thoose features. And to support all plattforms we usually use (windows phone/os, android and iphone) I decided to write it in pure html, css and js to support them all.
Current roadmap:
v1 should contain
- Possibility to set custom rules for each card (1-13)
- Possibility to save thoose rules in a cookie for later use if something crashes or is closed down
- Only pure html, css and js to ensure everything can be runned on devices (and "offline" from a SINGLE html file)
- Next/previous card navigation
- Ugly as fck graphic
future feauters (thoughts and so)
- Custom rules for all cards and types (1-13 * 4 for diamond, spades, hearts and clubs)
- Card counter (how many played/left and/or "king warning")
- Sound effects? (technical limitations if should be available offline in a single html file?)
- Cards that have "save"/"use" abilites?
- Tracking of players
- Help/info as a optional textarea to explain a certain card or rule