These are python scripts I have created, modified or used. Some scripts are for fun, while others have valuable use in production.
There's now 164 python files in this repo.
Script | DocString |
---|---| | No docstring provided. |
cb_scripts/ | Squares and Cubes for a range of numbers. |
cb_scripts/ | Remove common words from text. |
cb_scripts/ | Python Generator - Crawl Star Wars API ( |
cb_scripts/demo/ | Demo of aiohttp package. |
cb_scripts/demo/ | Example of difflib. |
cb_scripts/demo/ | Hello, world. example using asyncio. |
cb_scripts/demo/ | No docstring provided. |
cb_scripts/demo/ | Demo of the turtule module. |
cb_scripts/demo/ | Asyncio demo finding next prime numbers for a list. |
cb_scripts/demo/ | Abstract Base Class (ABC) testing. |
cb_scripts/demo/ | Sample of functools.singledispatch. |
cb_scripts/demo/ | Demo on asyncio. |
cb_scripts/demo/ | Itertools demo. |
cb_scripts/demo/ | Car class. |
cb_scripts/demo/ | Monkey Patching - dynamically modify a class or module at runtime. |
cb_scripts/demo/ | Hello, World! Asyncio demo. |
cb_scripts/demo/ | Shelve demo. |
cb_scripts/demo/ | multiprocessing demo. |
cb_scripts/ | Prime Factorization. |
cb_scripts/ | Search and remove pyc files. |
cb_scripts/ | Crawler. |
cb_scripts/ | Basic Logging template. |
cb_scripts/ | Collatz Conjecture. |
cb_scripts/ | Replace all code letters with X. |
cb_scripts/ | Action Verbs. |
cb_scripts/ | Number of days from/until start/end of the month. |
cb_scripts/ | Sort clipboard using subprocess module. |
cb_scripts/ | FizzBuzz Test. |
cb_scripts/ | Fake text generator. |
cb_scripts/ | Programming Quotes. |
cb_scripts/ | NFL Quarterback Rating. |
cb_scripts/ | Binary Search Algorithm implmentation. |
cb_scripts/ | Dictonary Utils. |
cb_scripts/ | Unlock code. |
cb_scripts/ | Roll a die. |
cb_scripts/ | Site Checker. |
cb_scripts/ | Find all local ip addresses in an ip network. |
cb_scripts/ | Return the delta of the current date. |
cb_scripts/ | Flatten iterable. |
cb_scripts/ | YouTube utilities. |
cb_scripts/ad/ | Account Expiration |
cb_scripts/ | Get the latest version number of Python. |
cb_scripts/ | Generate the file a repo. |
cb_scripts/ | Windows Idletime - move mouse on idle time. |
cb_scripts/ | Coin Flip. |
cb_scripts/nameo/ | Bingo caller. |
cb_scripts/nameo/ | Bingo Drum class. |
cb_scripts/nameo/ | Bingo ball class. |
cb_scripts/nameo/ | No docstring provided. |
cb_scripts/nameo/ | Nameo main. |
cb_scripts/nameo/ | Bingo card generator. |
cb_scripts/ | Useful Information. |
cb_scripts/ | Download HTML page using standard library. |
cb_scripts/ | Shorten URLs using TinyURL. |
cb_scripts/ifttt/ | No docstring provided. |
cb_scripts/ifttt/ | IFTTT Maker Webhooks event trigger. |
cb_scripts/ | No docstring provided. |
cb_scripts/ | Time Zone - Resolve what time is it? |
cb_scripts/ | Python Script to get the Track, Artist and Album from iTunes. |
cb_scripts/ | Traffic light simulation. |
cb_scripts/images/ | Convert an image using Pillow. |
cb_scripts/ | Bored - Suggest an activity with |
cb_scripts/ | Get Articles from website urls. |
cb_scripts/ | External IP - using requests, get the extrenal IP Address. |
cb_scripts/ | Binary Search Tree. |
cb_scripts/ | Home directory. |
cb_scripts/ | Leap Year tester. |
cb_scripts/weather_forecast/ | Weather from OpenWeatherMap. |
cb_scripts/ | Useful commands. |
cb_scripts/baseball/ | No docstring provided. |
cb_scripts/baseball/ | No docstring provided. |
cb_scripts/baseball/ | No docstring provided. |
cb_scripts/baseball/ | No docstring provided. |
cb_scripts/ | Calculate the words per minute of text. |
cb_scripts/ | Simple clock using tkinter. |
cb_scripts/ | Play sound file at the top of every hour. |
cb_scripts/ | Print the calendars for last, this, and next |
cb_scripts/ | Markdown list maker. |
cb_scripts/ | Download latest Python from FTP site. |
cb_scripts/cipher/ | AES encryption using PyCrypto. |
cb_scripts/cipher/ | Cipher for encryption/decryption. |
cb_scripts/cipher/ | Rotational Cipher. |
cb_scripts/cipher/ | Reckon - simple substitution cipher. |
cb_scripts/ | Get the New York Jets schedule and scores of a season from |
cb_scripts/ | Weather from |
cb_scripts/ | Environment Variables. |
cb_scripts/ | List Virtual Environment Python versions. |
cb_scripts/ | Useful Weekday wrappers. |
cb_scripts/ | How does it go? - Lyrics scraper. |
cb_scripts/ | No docstring provided. |
cb_scripts/ | Week number matchups for Fantasy Baseball. |
cb_scripts/ | Print file contents. |
cb_scripts/ | Ping Scan |
cb_scripts/ | Game on. |
cb_scripts/ | Get Fantasy Baseball Keepers from years past. |
cb_scripts/ | Script to tell me to Sitdown and Standup throughout the day. |
cb_scripts/ | Clipboard History. |
cb_scripts/ | Rock, Paper, scissors. |
cb_scripts/ | Python Http server ("Hello, World!"). |
cb_scripts/ | Dug Dice. |
cb_scripts/ | What next? |
cb_scripts/city_times/ | No docstring provided. |
cb_scripts/city_times/ | No docstring provided. |
cb_scripts/ | Lock the Screen. |
cb_scripts/ | Wordle word starter. |
cb_scripts/ | Find Biggest file. |
cb_scripts/ | Indentor using context manager. |
cb_scripts/ | Packt Free Learning book. |
cb_scripts/ | Look up the meaning of a word. |
cb_scripts/ | Mouse Mover. |
cb_scripts/ | Wrapper for textwrap module. |
cb_scripts/ | Rhythmic breathing. |
cb_scripts/ | Location data based on External IP address. |
cb_scripts/ | Five O'clock Whistle. |
cb_scripts/ | Find all links from url. |
cb_scripts/ | Random Name - Generate a random name. |
cb_scripts/ | Divisors: Find all the divisors of a number. |
cb_scripts/ | HTML Decorators Example. |
cb_scripts/ | SQLite3 database creation. |
cb_scripts/sorting/ | Merge Sort. |
cb_scripts/sorting/ | Insertion Sort. |
cb_scripts/sorting/ | Bubble Sort. |
cb_scripts/ | Monty Hall Game. |
cb_scripts/ | Find Pi to the nth digit. |
cb_scripts/ | Fake Names and addresses. |
cb_scripts/ | Today Holiday? |
cb_scripts/ | Salutation. |
cb_scripts/ | Switch variable case. |
cb_scripts/ | Create gif from directory. |
cb_scripts/ | Find all files matching a pattern. |
cb_scripts/ | Time to go. |
cb_scripts/ | Class based random password generator. Uses string, random, sys modules. |
cb_scripts/ | Time since a given date. |
cb_scripts/ | Digital Mistakes kata. |
cb_scripts/ | Next Prime Number. |
cb_scripts/ | Get the numbers for the superbowl box pools. |
cb_scripts/ | Sort Clipboard using pyperclip. |
cb_scripts/ | Take a Screenshot. |
cb_scripts/ | Isogram - determine if a word is an isogram. |
cb_scripts/ | Count words and the three most common ones. |
cb_scripts/ | logging example. |
cb_scripts/ | Distinct Files in directory. |
cb_scripts/ | Execution Time. |
cb_scripts/ | List all virtualenvs. |
cb_scripts/ | Collection of Utilities. |
cb_scripts/ | Itertools Recipes. |
cb_scripts/ | Python Script to get the status of MTA Service. |
cb_scripts/ | Move files to another folder. |
cb_scripts/ | Fibonacci. |
cb_scripts/ | Two Sums. |
cb_scripts/ | List modules used in Python files. |
cb_scripts/ | Get the latest stable version number of Python from FTP site. |
cb_scripts/ | Random Quote: Pick a Quote at random from a text file. |
cb_scripts/ | List file type info. |
cb_scripts/ | Sieve of Eratosthenes. |
cb_scripts/ | Rain. Tell if rain is in forecast. |
cb_scripts/ | Arrange Files - File organizer. |
cb_scripts/ | Create Coffee-Repo Master list. |
cb_scripts/ | Convert CSV file to JSON file. |
cb_scripts/ | Internet working. |
cb_scripts/ | Default initial password generator. |
cb_scripts/ | Archive Coffee-Repo list in |
cb_scripts/uplink/ | GitHub consumer using uplink package. |