offers an R interface to the Felt
You can create new maps, edit existing maps, and extract data. feltr
includes tools for working with layers, which represent geographic data,
and elements, which are interactive annotations. Spatial data accessed
from the API is transformed to work with ‘sf’.
You can install the stable version of feltr
CRAN with:
You can install the development version of feltr
GitHub with:
An API key can be obtained by signing into your Felt account and looking
under Account Settings at the Integrations tab. Once obtained, it can be
loaded for persistent use with
feltr::set_felt_key('YOUR KEY', install = TRUE, r_env = file.path(Sys.getenv('HOME'), '.Renviron'))
We can create a map, add some data to it, and even delete it.
## create a map
map <- felt_create_map(title = 'feltr README')
Then we can add some data to it from a URL.
map_id = map$id,
url = 'https://www.rocklandgis.com/portal/sharing/rest/content/items/73fc78cb0fb04580b4788937fe5ee697/data',
name = 'Parks'
#> # A tibble: 0 × 6
#> # ℹ 6 variables: name <chr>, status <chr>, progress <dbl>, id <chr>,
#> # type <chr>, relationships <list>
Finally, we can even delete the map from R.
felt_delete_map(map_id = map$id)
#> [1] 204
This returns a 204 on success.