A small web server with focus on testability. Supports coroutines, has a nice low-level-api, and a high-level-api for rest services. Uses Undertow for non-blocking http handling, so it should perform well despite still being new. Also includes a http client based on the java 11 http client.
Available from Maven Central.
Restaurant helps you implement REST apis in a simple way that is easy to test, and have your handlers not depend on any webserver classes.
dependencies {
fun main() {
Restaurant(mapper = JacksonMapper()) {
namespace("/api") {
data class User(val id: String?, val name: String/*..all kinds of user fields..*/)
class UsersService : RestService {
suspend fun index(): List<User> {
suspend fun create(user: User): User {
suspend fun show(userId: Int): User {
suspend fun update(userId: Int, user: User): User {
This will create these routes
GET /api/users
callingsuspend fun index()
GET /api/users/{id}
callingsuspend fun show(userId: Int)
POST /api/users
callingsuspend fun create(user: User):
PUT /api/users/{id}
callingsuspend fun update(userId: Int, user: User)
methods can be suspend
or not, and can declare their incoming and outgoing parameters as data classes that will be
serialized and deserialized with jackson. Your service class has no dependencies on any http server, and should be super
easy to test.
You can stream responses from your service class by using a flow: StreamingExample
class StreamingService : RestService {
fun index(): Flow<User> {
return flow {
emit(User("5", "userName"))
emit(User("6", "otherUserName"))
val restaurant = Restaurant {
val response: RestaurantResponse<Flow<String>> = restaurant.streamRequest("/streaming")
expectThat(response) {
get { statusCode }.isEqualTo(200)
val list = response.body!!.toList()
dependencies {
There is also a really nice low level api if you need more flexibility.
class Reverser : SuspendingHandler {
override suspend fun handle(request: Request, requestContext: RequestContext): Response {
return (response(ByteBuffer.wrap(request.withBody().body!!.reversedArray())))
Restaurant {
route(Method.POST, "/handlers/reverser", Reverser())
val response = request(restaurant, "/handlers/reverser") { post("""jakob""".toRequestBody()) }
expectThat(response) {
get { statusCode() }.isEqualTo(200)
get { body }.isNotNull().get { string() }.isEqualTo("bokaj")
Exceptions thrown by the service handler are converted to a http error reply via a lambda.
val restaurant = Restaurant(errorHandler = { ex -> response(500, "sorry") })
You can install a default handler that is invoked when no other route is found.
it("calls default handler if no suitable route is found") {
val restaurant =
Restaurant(defaultHandler = { _, _ -> response(418, "not found but anyway I'm teapot") }) { }
expectThat(request(restaurant, "/not-found")) {
get { statusCode() }.isEqualTo(418)
get { body }.isNotNull().get { string() }.isEqualTo("not found but anyway I'm teapot")
JWT Authentication is super simple, first you need the usual JWT stuff.
object JWTConfig {
private const val issuer = "https://restaurant.dev/"
private const val audience = "jwtAudience"
private val algorithm = Algorithm.HMAC256("psst, secret")!!
fun makeToken(userId: Long): String = JWT.create()
.withClaim("jti", userId)
fun makeJwtVerifier(): JWTVerifier = JWT.require(algorithm)
In your Restaurant routing DSL you just wrap the protected resources or handlers:
val restaurant = Restaurant {
jwt(JWTConfig.makeJwtVerifier()) {
get("/handlers/welcome", JWTWelcomeHandler())
Wrapped handlers can get the jwt info:
class JWTWelcomeHandler : SuspendingHandler {
override suspend fun handle(exchange: Exchange, context: RequestContext): Response {
return (response("welcome user " + context[JWTWrapper].getClaim("jti")))
Readme driven development: The features below this point are not ready yet.
namespace("/api") {
resources(UsersService()) {
resources(HobbiesService()) // user has many hobbies
will generate routes like GET /api/users/10/hobbies/20
or POST /api/users/10/hobbies
- Show a list of defined routes when a 404 error occurs in development mode.
- Friendly error messages when json can not be serialized or deserialized.
- Any stacktrace in undertow or restaurant code that does not show a useful error message is a bug.