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svydb - Survey statistics in a database


Most current software for survey analysis reads the data into memory, however, most of these computations can actually be expressed as database operations. The aim of this package is to provide a set of functions which allows survey statistics to be computed directly inside a database. To do this, dplyr and dbplpy are used. Lastly, this package takes a step further, it also provides graphics computation directly inside a database, where data tables are read into memory only when necessary.

As noted by Professor Lumley here. This “approach does seem to be useful for large survey data sets – and for smaller data sets the dplyr version is faster than the survey package, though more limited.”


This packages can be installed by using the devtools package.


Currently, there are some warning messages regarding depreciated functions in rlang, at the moment this should not effect svydb, updates will be made soon.

This package is still under development, if there are any BUGS please report to Issues.


Survey Statistics

Survey Total

Note that databases does not understand what a factor is. Therefore, if a variable is factor, this information needs to be provided to the function via the num argument.

nh.dbsurv = svydbdesign(st = SDMVSTRA, wt = WTMEC2YR, id = SDMVPSU, data = nhane)
svydbtotal(x = DirectChol, design = nh.dbsurv, num = T)
#>                Total       SE
#> DirectChol 355960579 21830151

Survey Mean

my_mean = svydbmean(x = Race3, design = nh.dbsurv, num = F)
#>             Mean     SE
#> Race3_1 0.097238 0.0208
#> Race3_2 0.069853 0.0154
#> Race3_3 0.628595 0.0407
#> Race3_4 0.124373 0.0239
#> Race3_6 0.050620 0.0080
#> Race3_7 0.029322 0.0045
#> [1] 0.09723817 0.06985263 0.62859467 0.12437279 0.05061970 0.02932205
#>     Race3_1     Race3_2     Race3_3     Race3_4     Race3_6     Race3_7 
#> 0.020820360 0.015357512 0.040693583 0.023923479 0.007978204 0.004472943


In svydblm we denote factors by wrapping the variable with factor().

fit.dbsurv = svydblm(DirectChol ~ Age + BMI + factor(Gender), design = nh.dbsurv)
#> Joining, by = c("intercept_xtx", "Age_xtx", "BMI_xtx", "Gender_2_xtx")
#> Joining, by = c("intercept_xtx", "Age_xtx", "BMI_xtx", "Gender_2_xtx")
#> Joining, by = c("intercept_xtx", "Age_xtx", "BMI_xtx", "Gender_2_xtx")
#> Call:
#> svydblm(formula = DirectChol ~ Age + BMI + factor(Gender), design = nh.dbsurv)
#> Survey design:
#> svydbdesign(st = SDMVSTRA, id = SDMVPSU, wt = WTMEC2YR, data = nhane)
#> Coefficients:
#>             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
#> intercept  1.6321111  0.0248245   65.75  < 2e-16 ***
#> Age        0.0032541  0.0003245   10.03 9.02e-08 ***
#> BMI       -0.0186356  0.0010519  -17.71 5.53e-11 ***
#> Gender_2   0.2180855  0.0119792   18.20 3.83e-11 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#>      intercept         Age         BMI  Gender_2
#> [1,]  1.632111 0.003254104 -0.01863557 0.2180855
#>    intercept          Age          BMI     Gender_2 
#> 0.0248245459 0.0003244995 0.0010519481 0.0119791933
#>               intercept           Age           BMI      Gender_2
#> intercept  6.162581e-04  2.295490e-06 -2.251523e-05  1.758284e-04
#> Age        2.295490e-06  1.052999e-07 -2.020572e-07  1.017712e-06
#> BMI       -2.251523e-05 -2.020572e-07  1.106595e-06 -8.370514e-06
#> Gender_2   1.758284e-04  1.017712e-06 -8.370514e-06  1.435011e-04

Replicated weights along with some other survey statistics are also supported in svydb, please read the help page for more information.


All graphics produced by svydb uses ggplot2, this means that users can customise their plot with existing ggplot2 functions. For example, add a title with ggtitle().


svydbhist(x = DirectChol, design = nh.dbsurv)

svydbhist(x = Age, design = nh.dbsurv, binwidth = 3)


p = svydbboxplot(x = Weight, groups = Race3, design = nh.dbsurv,
     outlier = T, all.outlier = T, varwidth = T)

p + ggtitle("Weight by Race3 Boxplot") + theme_bw()

Hexagon Binning

hb = svydbhexbin(Height ~ Weight, design = nh.dbsurv)

SQL Usage

To use svydb functions with a SQL connection, it is as simple as creating a svydbdesign with a SQL table in R. Currently, only MonetDB has been tested. In theory, it should work with other databases as long as it provides enough supported functions that svydb requires. Or, at the very least these database should work with svydb with some minor tweaking.

To do this,

# devtools::install_github("hannesmuehleisen/MonetDBLite-R")
# install.packages(c("DBI", "dbplyr"))
#> Attaching package: 'dbplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
#>     ident, sql
con = dbConnect(MonetDBLite())
dbWriteTable(con, "nhane", nhane)
#> Identifier(s) "X", "SurveyYr", "ID", "Gender", "Age", "AgeMonths", "Race1", "Race3", "Education", "MaritalStatus", "HHIncome", "HHIncomeMid", "Poverty", "HomeRooms", "HomeOwn", "Work", "Weight", "Length", "HeadCirc", "Height", "BMI", "BMICatUnder20yrs", "BMI_WHO", "Pulse", "BPSysAve", "BPDiaAve", "BPSys1", "BPDia1", "BPSys2", "BPDia2", "BPSys3", "BPDia3", "Testosterone", "DirectChol", "TotChol", "UrineVol1", "UrineFlow1", "UrineVol2", "UrineFlow2", "Diabetes", "DiabetesAge", "HealthGen", "DaysPhysHlthBad", "DaysMentHlthBad", "LittleInterest", "Depressed", "nPregnancies", "nBabies", "Age1stBaby", "SleepHrsNight", "SleepTrouble", "PhysActive", "PhyActiveDays", "TVHrsDay", "ComputerHrsDay", "Alcohol12PlusYr", "AlcoholDay", "AlcoholYear", "SmokeNow", "Smoke100", "SmokeAge", "Marijuana", "AgeFirstMarij", "RegularMarij", "AgeRegMarij", "HardDrugs", "SexEver", "SexAge", "SexNumPartnLife", "SexNumPartYear", "SameSex", "SexOrientation", "WTINT2YR", "WTMEC2YR", "SDMVPSU", "SDMVSTRA" contain uppercase or reserved SQL characters and need(s) to be quoted in queries.
#> Identifier(s) "Work" are reserved SQL keywords and need(s) to be quoted in queries.
nhane.db = tbl(con, "nhane")

Then for example,

nh2.dbsurv = svydbdesign(st = SDMVSTRA, wt = WTMEC2YR, id = SDMVPSU, data = nhane.db)
svydbtotal(x = DirectChol, design = nh2.dbsurv, num = T)
#>                Total       SE
#> DirectChol 355960579 21830151

Please note that, MonetDBLite is no longer available on CRAN. Therefore, if one wishes to continue using MonetDB, you must install it via Github. More information can be found here.


The following timings compares the speed of the survey package and svydb. The red line represents the survey pacakge, green line represents svydb with a local data frame, and the blue line represents svydb with a database connection.

Survey Total Timing

Survey Mean Timing

Regression Timing

Histogram Timing

Boxplot Timing

Hexagon Binning Timing


Multistage surveys can give rise to moderately large data sets (tens of millions of rows). Most current software for survey analysis reads the data into memory, the survey package in R provides fairly comprehensive analysis features for complex surveys which are small enough to fit into memory easily, however, most of the computations can actually be expressed as database operations. There is already a similar approach with the sqlsurvey package in R which performs substantial computation in SQL in the database, importing only small summary tables into R, this approach scales to very large surveys such as the American Community Survey and the Nationwide Emergency Department Sample, but this approach causes compatible issues with different types of databases. Therefore, in this project I will work on implementing R functions and testing some survey computations using the dplyr and dbplyr R package as a database interface.

Supervisor: Professor Thomas Lumley

Thomas wrote something about this package here.


Survey statistics in a database






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