Blender uses bezier curves to control animations called FCurves. This library is a port of the evaluator. Given the same control point information, it should produce the same output (within a few points of numeric precision). This is verified by running Blender with the same curves and comparing the values. (:warning: though we're not getting 100% code coverage yet)
Currently, only the bezier interpolation mode is fully supported.
In JS, FCurves should be represented like this:
points: [
// point interpolation mode (only 'BEZIER' supported)
interpolation: 'BEZIER',
// (x, y) coordinate of point
co: [10, 0],
// (x, y) coordinate of left handle
left: [-50, 0],
// (x, y) coordinate of right handle
right: [50, 0],
interpolation: 'BEZIER',
co: [120, -3],
left: [70, -3],
right: [170, -3],