Chromanode is open source bitcoin blockchain API (http and websocket support) writen on JavaScript and uses PostgreSQL for storage.
- Bitcoin with txindex=1
- node.js (testned with v0.12, v4.0?)
- PostgreSQL
Master is under development, if you want use stable please checkout to one of the stable branches. (v1.0.0, v2.0, etc..)
Clone repository:
$ git clone && cd chromanode
Install dependencides:
$ npm install
Edit configs:
$ vim config/master.yml config/slave.yml
Run master node:
$ ./bin/chromanode-master.js -c config/master.yml
Run slave node (only one slave instance supported now):
$ ./bin/chromanode-slave.js -c config/slave.yml
To get latest version of supported API make request to /version
Code released under the MIT license.