v4.4 - Genome model update
released this
08 Nov 20:15
engine, gui: genomes and sub-genomes contain repetition information and concatenation angles
engine, gui: support for infinite repetitions of genome structures
engine, gui: reconnector cells (can form and break bonds depending on neural activities)
engine, gui: detonator cells (can detonate depending on neural activities)
engine, gui: neuron cells extended: 5 different activation functions can be selected for each neuron
engine, gui: simulation parameters for reconnectors and detonators
gui/sim view: 2 new coloring available: "Cell state" and "Genome size"
gui/genome preview: markers for start, end, infinity repetition, multiple construction and self-replication
gui/genome preview: visualization optimized depending on the zoom level
gui/genome editor: mass operation for changing colors of cells optionally including sub-genomes
gui/neuron editor: reset, set identity and randomize function
gui/browser: button to open Discord server
gui/statistics: plots and exports for reconnections and detonator events
logging: more log messages during startup
engine: restrict cluster decay on cells which belong to the same creature
engine: allow insert mutations on empty genomes
gui: toolbar buttons in creator and multiplier windows are made selectable
gui/inspection: show ids (cell, creature, mutation) in base tab
gui/genome editor: icons for expanding and collapsing changed
gui/sim parameter: focus base tab when opening new simulation with different spots
show correct tab when sub-genome is edited
completeness check evaluates creatureIds of the cells in order to determinate the creature's boundaries
prevent crash in case that a single genome exceeds 8 KB
genome editor layout bug fixed when separator is moved out of range
layout problems after resizing in several dialogs fixed (e.g. in display, gpu, network settings)
invalid zooming prevented
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