- Full featured msgpack-rpc implementation(parallel pipeline, sync/async rpc call, etc).
- Client pool for better server-2-server rpc call and connection management
- Convenience rpc spec extension with backward compatibile. such as request context, agent control command and named arguments support
- Builtin service-proxy and keepalive server for large scale services deployment
$ python3 setup.py install
from aiorpc import Server
class Foo:
all method name do not start with `_` will be exposed as rpc method
def echo(self, message):
return message
Server(('', 10010), Foo()).run_forever()
from aiorpc import Client
import asyncio
def call(c):
r = yield from c.call('echo', 'foobar')
return r
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
c = Client(('', 10010), loop=loop)
print('call result:', loop.run_until_complete(call(c)))
AgentMixin gives you client management in server agent
from aiorpc import Server, AgentMixin
class Bar(AgentMixin):
def aggregation(self, city, district=None):
city_finder = self._get_client(('', 10030)) #client getter from AgentMixin
item_finder = self._get_client(('', 10040))
items = yield from city_finder.request('items_in_city', {'city': city, 'district': district})
items_data = [yield from item_finder.request('get_item', [item['id']]) for item in items]
return items_data
def context_holder(context, message):
peer_endp = context('peername')
client_ident = context('ident')
return peer_endp, message
for client code
c.request('context_holder', {'message': 'Hello', '__ident__': 'test'})
aiorpc support named arugments expansion, you can use argument dict instead of argument list when invoke rpc request. When the first argument of service agent method is context
or ctx
, a callable would be assign to context
. You can get value by calling context with key which asyncio transport get_extra_info supported and all dict param name starts/ends
with __
When request method starts with \0
, aiorpc server will consider it as control command. Currently only reflection
is supported, which return all the method info in the service agent
c.request('\0reflection') #will return {'methodname': ['arg0', 'arg1', {'name': 'arg2', 'default': 'abc'}], ...}
aiorpc comes with some built-in agent server:
is a register and discovery server.
$ python3 -m aiorpc.agent.keepalive
rpc server can use HeartbeatMixin
for handy register to keepalive server.
from ..agent.keepalive import HeartbeatMixin
class Foo(HeartbeatMixin):
def __init__(self, *, keepalive_endp=None, service_name='sample.foo'):
self._service_name = service_name
self._keepalive_endp = keepalive_endp
def _activated(self, listener):
if self._keepalive_endp:
#start heartbeat fiber to keepalive
self._activate_heartbeat(self._keepalive_endp, self._service_name, listener[1])
KeepAlive service expose two rpc method:
# service registration and heartbeat
heartbeat(name, host, port, ident=None)
# get all activated service
get_services() -> {"service_name": [{"ident": "srv1", "endpoint": ["", 6000]}, ...], "service_name2": .... }
is a rpc request proxy/routing/load-balance server usually bind at local port.
Proxy agent will periodically load all the rpc service current alive from keepalive server.
Local application/service could call remote rpc service by registered name through proxy
$ python3 -m aiorpc.agent.proxy endpoint_to_keepalive_server
Proxy serviec expose two rpc method
# call rpc method by service name registered at keepalive server
# you can use __hint__ in params to indicate request goes to specific server if you register multi server for a same service
invoke(service, method, params)
# parallel call multi rpc method and get results
# batches is list of [service, method, params] or [service, method, params, hint]