Build number: 8
- Album recommendations are now grouped into categories
- Added settings screen
- Added ability to customize which questions are asked to get album recommendations
- Added ability to log out and reconnect another Spotify account
- Added ability to manually sync Spotify library and see when library was last synced
- Added button to open Spotify directly from album recommendations screen
- Added ability to swipe through questions
- Added UI indicator for which question you are on and how many are left
- Moved album recommendations feedback to a dialog accessed from rating button on top app bar
- Reduced the time it takes to sync Spotify library
- Prevented automatic Spotify re-authentication from disrupting user interaction
- Updated UI for authorizing Spotify account when Spotify app is not installed
- Fixed bug where Spotify library data can sometimes stop automatically re-syncing
- Fixed bug where multiple library scan notifications can appear simultaneously
- Fixed bug where album recommendations can become inaccurate after app is backgrounded for a while
- Fixed bug where keyboard sometimes closes immediately after starting genre search
- Fixed bug where welcome screen sometimes flashes after initial library sync completes
- UI improvements
- Stability improvements
This release is not compatible with saved user data from previous releases. If you are updating from a previous version, you will need to reconnect your Spotify account and sync your library data again.