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RC Scanner (BETA)

RC Scanner, or Remote Controlled Scanner, is a progressive web interface which allows you to remotely control your scanner and receive audio from anywhere in the world. RC Scanner is degined to works well on desktop and mobile devices.

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Supported models

At the moment, RC Scanner only works with a limited number of radio scanners.

Supported models:

  • Uniden BCD436HP (stable)
  • Uniden BCD396T (stable)

Other scanner models can be added on request as long as I can get one. Any lease or donation of such a scanner model is welcome.

Supported platforms

Since RC Scanner uses libraries Node SerialPort and Naudiodon, which are both multiplatform, there should'nt be to much trouble running it on other platforms. If you do try RC Scanner, please share you experience on Gitter


  • Remote control your radio scanner with very low latency (you can even get audio feedback)

  • Care has been taken to minimize data transfer to the client application

    • Screen updates suspended while application isn't focused
    • Audio stream suspended if no audio output on the scanner (squelch adjustable)

Screenshot (BCD436HP)


Quick start

It is fairly easy to have RC Scanner up and running.

Ensure that your operating system is fully updated and that the prerequisites are installed:

Then clone the RC Scanner code and run it:

$ git clone
Cloning into 'rc-scanner'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 3821, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3821/3821), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2975/2975), done.
Receiving objects: 100% (3821/3821), 6.87 MiB | 10.65 MiB/s, done.
remote: Total 3821 (delta 1693), reused 2156 (delta 662)
Resolving deltas: 100% (1693/1693), done.

$ cd rc-scanner

$ Installing node modules... done
Building client app... done
Server is running at
Connected to /dev/ttyUSB0

Note that the first time you start RC Scanner, it will be longer to do so as it has to install required node modules and build the progressive web app.

A default configuration file rc-scanner/server/.env will be created.

At this point, you should review the configuration file to ensure that it is conform to your setup.

When done, re-run again node run.js to launch the application.