Releases: ci-group/revolve2
Releases · ci-group/revolve2
- Added simple temporary API to add terrains to Isaac Gym runner in a way that is non-portable to other runners.
- Added flat, wave, pyramid, rugged terrains for Isaac Gym runner.
- Rework process_id into DbId, making it an explicit class and string in the database.
- Morphological measures based on Miras, K., Haasdijk, E., Glette, K., Eiben, A.E. (2018). Search Space Analysis of Evolvable Robot Morphologies. In: Sim, K., Kaufmann, P. (eds) Applications of Evolutionary Computation. EvoApplications 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 10784. Springer, Cham.
- Fix bug where cpg network structure did not use the correct weights for external connections.
First beta release. API should remain fairly stable until the second beta or rc1, whichever comes first.
Changes since last alpha:
- Cleaned up, updated, and improved documentation.
- Added parameter to Isaac Gym runner to set max_gpu_contact_pairs, which controls memory allocated for storing contacts during simulation. Users need to tune the value of this parameter to their specific use case.
- Fixed names and implementations of EA population and selection functions.
- Added Mujoco physics runner.
- Slightly changed Isaac Gym physics runner PD controller parameters to be more in line with Mujoco.
- Set environment size to 0 in Isaac Gym runner to fix reproducability bug. As a side effect different environments now appear on top of each other.
- Renamed 'params' to 'connection_weights' in CpgNetworkStructure.
- Added rpi controller hardware support for pca9685 pwm chip.
- Added slow startup to rpi controller servos, reducing the chance the servos reboot the rpi on startup.
- Add standard_resources library, starting with a standard set of robot bodies.
- Now using the standard gecko robot for the OpenAI ES example.
- Code tool improvements, including new tools sort-all, pydocstyle, pyflakes, darglint
- Put robots on the ground in the simulation examples similarly to how this is done in the other examples.
- Literally added doc strings to every function, class, and module.
- Fixed bug in CPPNWIN where network weights were evaluated in a random order leading to non-reproducability, breaking recovery.
- Fixed bug with multineat where CPPN network activation did not fully propagate through the complete network.
- Fixed bug with multineat where CPPN network could become cyclic.
- CPPNWIN now uses CPPN BLENDED option instead of COMPLEXIFYING, allowing for connections to be removed during mutation.
- Improved runner run_batch return value. This will break existing code but is more intuitive and future-proof.
- Fixed bug in rigid body inertia calculation
- Fixed Isaac Gym messing up terminal colors. Slightly improved displaying of isaac gym output to be easier to visually seperate from revolve2 output.
- Added option to isaac runner to run in real time. Enabled this option for the rerunner.
- Set correct angle for real robot PWM
- Fix inverted motors on real robots
- Fix bug in array serializer where object was not properly loaded
- Added CpgNetworkStructure, an way to specify the structure of a CPG network without specifying the weights and state. Can be used for things such as learning CPG network parameters.
- Refactored CPG network
- Fixed incorrect calculation of inertia tensor. This should improve stability and realism.
- Implemented rotation of individual rigid body collisions for inertia tensor calculation. Before this silently did not work and might have caused bugs.
- Set angular damping to 0 in isaac runner. Should not make a difference for most applications.
- Isaac runner now passes correct control period to control function.
- Fix bug were modular brick had 4 children instead of 3
- Allow setting of initial dof state in isaac runner
- Improve parameters of isaac gym PD controller. Robots should now be able to lift themselves.
- Slightly simplify runner interface
- Set GPU as default for isaac runner
- Small documentation fix
- Add missing pandas dependency
- Add check to isaac gym runner that dof targets are within servo range
- Clip CPG controller outputs to be within servo range
- Disable self collision in isaac gym runner to improve stability. Will be stabally reintroduced in a later version. This should prevent flying actors and NaN values in returned states.
- Refactored modular robots
- Minor code cleanup and refactor
- rpi controller: stop pwm after exit, added q input to stop instead of run, handle ctrl-c 'cleanly'
- Added missing aiosqlite dependency
- Improve clarity that a display is required for the simulate isaac tutorial.
- Fix regression bug in float serializer where float array was not loaded in the correct order