Source code can be found at: @
WormGUIDES is a collaboration led by Drs. Zhirong Bao (MSKCC), Daniel Colon-Ramos (Yale), William Mohler (UConn) and Hari Shroff (NIH). For more information, visit website at The Timeline project was created for my internship in the Bao Lab located in Sloan Kettering Cancer center during Summer 2017. It is an addition to the application WormGUIDES. In order to understand this addition and proper setup, please see the attached link to the source code.
The Timeline chart was created using IntellJ. It is used for another view of the Stories and Notes. It is unique to the application because it shows how individual cells are connected in each Story. The Timeline Chart displays the series for each cell that show the Note tag name and tag contents on hover. It also actively rebuilds itself when a change is made to a Story, Note, or window.
• New folder for Timeline which contains Timeline class and CSS styleclass • timelineChart was added into StoriesLayer constructor • Timeline stage variable and Timelinechart added into rebuildSubsceneFlag listener in Window3DController • TimelineStage added in rootlayoutController and new method viewTimeline is created • ViewTimeline method added to RootLayoutController and FXML file
I have included the classes that I altered/added to in order for the timeline to launch successfully. Please use these classes instead of original ones when launching WormGUIDES or add changes manually. I have added extra comments so it is easy to see where the changes were made.