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A constraint programming solver with support for proof logging


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The Glasgow Constraint Solver

This solver is a work in progress, with no stable API or design. The code that is here should mostly work, but there is a lot missing.

Please contact Ciaran McCreesh with any queries.


Getting Started

This section describes how to build the solver, and how to create and solve a simple problem.

Dependencies (Ubuntu)

You will need a C++20 compiler, such as GCC 10.3, as well as CMake and Git. You will need to install the Boost C++ libraries yourself; other dependencies will be pulled in automatically by CMake.

apt install build-essential git cmake libboost-all-dev

Dependencies (MacOS X using Brew)

You will need a C++ 20 compiler, such as Clang 15, as well as CMake and Git. You will need to install the Boost C++ libraries yourself; other dependencies will be pulled in automatically by CMake.

brew install boost git


To build, you will need a C++20 compiler, such as GCC 10.3, as well as Boost (use libboost-all-dev on Ubuntu).

cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build

If you have veripb installed (see below), you should then run

{ cd build ; ctest ; }

To generate API documentation, Doxygen must be installed. Then instead do:

cmake -S . -B build -DGCS_ENABLE_DOXYGEN=ON
cmake --build build
cmake --build build --target docs

By default, XCSP support will be enabled, which requires libxml2 (libxml2-dev on Ubuntu, ``libxml2'' with Brew) and which will use Git to fetch an external dependency for parsing XCSP. To turn this off, do:

cmake -S . -B build -DGCS_ENABLE_XCSP=OFF
cmake --build build

By default, MiniZinc support will also be enabled, which will bring in external dependencies for parsing JSON. To turn this off, do:

cmake --build build

Note that both XCSP and MiniZinc support are currently extremely minimal, and do not include most constraints or support for many language features.

Using the XCSP Solver

To use the XCSP solver, run:

./build/xcsp_glasgow_constraint_solver instance.xml

Using the MiniZinc Solver

The easiest way is probably to add symbolic links into your user solver directory, which you can find by running minizinc --config-dirs and looking for userSolverConfigDir. For example:

ln -s $HOME/glasgow-constraint-solver/minizinc $HOME/.minizinc/solvers/glasgow
ln -s $HOME/glasgow-constraint-solver/minizinc/glasgow.msc $HOME/.minizinc/solvers/glasgow.msc

Then you can run

minizinc --solver glasgow -a -s cake.mzn

Manually Solving a Constraint Optimisation Problem

Let's start by making some cakes. This example is a cut-down version of examples/cake/ We start by including the header file and namespace,

#include <gcs/gcs.hh>

using namespace gcs;

Now, we need a Problem instance. A constraint satisfaction problem consists of a number of variables, each of which has a domain of possible values, together with a set of constraints which must be satisfied. We can also have an objective variable, to maximise or minimise. Here, the variables are the number of banana and chocolate cakes that we're going to bake, and their values are between 0 and 100. (The 0_i and 100_i syntax turns a numeric literal into an Integer instance, which is a simple wrapper class used for type safety.)

Problem p;
auto banana = p.create_integer_variable(0_i, 100_i);
auto chocolate = p.create_integer_variable(0_i, 100_i);

Next, we need to define some constraints. For this example, all of our constraints are linear inequalities.{} + 250_i * banana + 200_i * chocolate <= 4000_i);{} + 2_i * banana <= 6_i);{} + 75_i * banana + 150_i * chocolate <= 2000_i);{} + 100_i * banana + 150_i * chocolate <= 500_i);{} + 75_i * chocolate <= 500_i);

The first of these says that 250 times the number of banana cakes, plus 200 times the number of chocolate cakes, is less than or equal to 4000. The remainder of these constraints impose further similar restrictions. Here we are making use of some convenience overloads; we could also be more verbose, and have written these constraints like:{WeightedSum{{{250_i, banana}, {200_i, chocolate}}}, 4000_i});

Next, we need to define our profit variable, which we want to maximise because capitalism. If we get 400 moneys for each banana cake, and 450 moneys for each chocolate cake, we could say:

auto profit = p.create_integer_variable(0_i, 107500_i, "profit");{} + 400_i * banana + 450_i * chocolate == 1_i * profit);

We can now ask for a solution.

solve(p, [&](const CurrentState & s) -> bool {
    cout << "banana cakes = " << s(banana) << ", chocolate cakes = "
         << s(chocolate) << ", profit = " << s(profit) << endl;
    return true;

The second argument here is a lambda, or callback function. It will be called every time the solver finds a new candidate solution, and the last time it is called will be when an optimal solution has been found. To get the actual value of a variable inside this callback, we use the s argument as it it were a function. We return true from our callback to say that we want the solver to keep going and try to find a better solution.

Finally, it is often a good idea to tell the solver which variables it should use for making decisions. In this case, the banana and chocolate variables are our decision variables, so we could instead use the solve_with function to specify a search strategy. The branch and guess parameters here can also be callbacks, but there are some common options available.

        .solution = [&](const CurrentState & s) -> bool {
            cout << "banana cakes = " << s(banana) << ", chocolate cakes = "
                 << s(chocolate) << ", profit = " << s(profit) << endl;
            return true;
        .branch = branch_on_dom_then_deg(problem, vector<IntegerVariableID>{banana, chocolate}),
        .guess = guess_smallest_value_first()

The examples/ directory contains example programs that show how to use the solver as a program author. It is probably best to start with examples/cake/ for a complete version of this example, examples/crystal_maze/ and examples/sudoku/ for everyone's favourite first two constraint programming problems, and examples/magic_square/ for some magic.

Proof Logging

The key feature of this solver is the ability to produce proof logs. Currently we are using the VeriPB format. You can find out more here:

You can install VeriPB using Python's pip package manager:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

To try out proof logging, run your favourite example program with the --prove command line option. Or, for your own problem, pass an additional argument to solve() or solve_with():

        .solution = [&](const CurrentState & s) -> bool {
            cout << "banana cakes = " << s(banana) << ", chocolate cakes = "
                 << s(chocolate) << ", profit = " << s(profit) << endl;
            return true;
        .branch = branch_on_dom_then_deg(problem, vector<IntegerVariableID>{banana, chocolate}),
        .guess = guess_smallest_value_first()
    make_optional<ProofOptions>("cake.opb", "cake.pbp"));

This will produce a cake.opb file containing a low-level description of the model, as well as a cake.pbp file containing the associated proof. To verify the proof, use veripb cake.opb cake.pbp.

Navigating the Source Code

The gcs/ directory contains the user-facing part of the API. The Problem class in gcs/problem.hh is your starting point, and you will want Problem::create_integer_variable. This returns an IntegerVariableID, which is a light-weight handle which you can pass around by value. For type-safety and avoiding overflow problems, the solver does not accept raw int and similar types directly, and anywhere you use a numerical value you must create an Integer.

You will also want some constraints. These can be found in the gcs/constraints/ directory. Once you construct a constraint, you can add it to a problem instance using Problem::post.

Finally, you probably want to solve your problem. The solve function in gcs/solve.hh will do this. It accepts a callback function as its second, which is called every time a solution is found. The callback is given a CurrentState instance, and you can get a variable's value by using the function call operator on the state. If the callback function returns false, no more solutions will be found. If you are optimising something, via Problem::minimise, this function will be called every time a better incumbent is found, and true means "keep going and try to find something better".

The contents of the gcs/innards/ directory, and anything in the gcs::innards namespace, are the solver's innards. These are probably not useful for end users, and if they are, they should probably be turned into a cleaner API rather than exposed directly.

How Does the Solver Work Internally?

If we're looking to do as little as possible to get a working but not particularly efficient solver, we probably need:

  • integer variables
  • a core set of constraints
  • some kind of backtracking search
  • some way sticking these things together


There are two extremes on how to deal with variables, and various things in the middle. In a typical SAT solver, variables are just integer indices, and the actual state of variables is held elsewhere in the trail. Meanwhile, in a conventional OO style constraint solver, a variable is a class that holds a set of values. I'm becoming increasingly unfond of the OO style, for at least four reasons:

  • It puts state in awkward places. Is the variable you create when you define your model the same as the variable you get when you've found a solution? Can you just read its value, or do you have to mess around with it? Every solution I've seen to this is ugly in some way.

  • What about multi-threading, etc?

  • It makes having lots of variables expensive. If something simple like a binary variable involves multiple memory allocations, performance is terrible compared to a SAT solver.

  • It gives us object lifetime issues. Think Sudoku, and how every variable appears in several all different constraints: this means variables need to be references rather than raw objects. But then also think temporaries, used in arithmetic expressions, etc. Where do they live? Who is responsible for the variable object's lifetime?

On the other hand, treating everything as a binary variable, like in a SAT solver, means awful blowups on large domains. So, whilst I like the idea of variables just being identifiers that, behind the scenes, index into a state data structure, it's worth thinking carefully about how we store this state. The solution I'm going with for now is:

  • We have a Problem object, which does bookkeeping.

  • From a user perspective, variables are IDs, which are an opaque, lightweight thing you can copy around etc. We can create new ones as needed via our problem object. Also, we can create 'fake' variables corresponding to integer constants in an easy way, because this is convenient, and avoids having to overload constraints.

  • Whenever we've found a solution, we're given a temporary reference to a State object, that can be queried using a variable identifier to get its value. (Actually, we get a CurrentState, which avoids exposing all sorts of ugly innards.)

Then there's the question of how variable state is stored. A variable is a set of values, but a set is a horribly inefficient data structure that is expensive to copy, and involves all kinds of unpleasant memory allocation and dereferencing. If we knew that variables only ever store ranges, we could just store bounds, or if we knew variables were small, we could use a fixed size bitset for its domain, but both of these solutions lack generality. So how do we get all of the nice things?

If we can abstract away all the places that actually directly play around with a variable's values directly, there's nothing stopping us from using algebraic types behind the scenes to store a variable's state as either a constant, or a range, or a compact bitset, or an ugly big set if it's really necessary. For constraints, it looks like it suffices to support a small list of query operations for each variable:

  • How many values are in the domain?
  • What is the lower / upper bound?
  • Is this value in the domain?
  • Iterate over each value in the domain in order.

And for the public user interface, we might only need a single common operation:

  • Give me the single value in this domain, or exception if it doesn't have a unique value.

To modify state, we seem to need:

  • This variable takes exactly this value.
  • This variable does not take this value.
  • This variable is at least / at most this value.

Whilst there's a bit of complexity in dealing with each of these operations and with all of the things it might do to the different ways a value set might be represented, we can put this code in exactly one place. An additional advantage of keeping all this together is for tracking state changes, for watches etc: three constraints might each think they're eliminating an arbitrary value from a domain, but we can spot that together they've just done a bounds change. I expect this will be similarly useful for proof logging.


Constraints are user-facing. Each constraint is associated with zero or more propagators, which do the actual work. A propagator is always called at least once, at the root node. After that, it is only called when triggered by an event. Events include a specific variable being instantiated, a specific variable having its bounds changed, and a specific variable having any of its values deleted. (Instantiated implies both other kinds of events, and bounds implies any values, so multiple triggers are not needed.) A propagator is then called, and it can make some inferences. It must then return information on whether or not it actually changed anything, and whether or not it should be called again in the future. The easiest constraints to understand are probably NotEquals and Table (the latter of which uses propagate_extensional to do the hard work, because this code is used by other constraints too).

For proof logging, every constraint must also be able to describe itself in low level terms. Usually this is done via members of the Propagators class such as define and define_cnf. This should only be done if Propagators::want_nonpropagating() is true.

Any inference that is carried out, via State::infer, must also be justified for proof logging. This can be done by passing a NoJustificationNeeded or JustifyUsingRUP instance, for simple constraints, but complex reasoning will require a JustifyExplicitly instance which includes a callback to create the relevant proof steps.

If the compiler macro GCS_TRACK_ALL_PROPAGATIONS is defined, the proof log will include explicit origin statements for every JustifyUsingRUP propagation, which may be helpful in debugging bad proofs. It will also slow things down considerably.

Backtracking Search

For now, this is boring. In the future, we'll probably do something like Solution-Biased search.

How Do We Know It's Correct?

We have a problem, we run the solver, we get an answer. Why should we believe it's correct? For satisfiable decision instances this isn't such a problem (although it's not trivial either), but for unsatisfiable decision instances and for optimisation problems, we know that some solvers are, uh, not entirely accurate all of the time. Unfortunately, conventional testing seems to be at best minimally effective in establishing solver correctness, and correct-by-construction formal methods seem to be far too expensive to work even for naive implementations of simple constraints like all-different. The approach we take here is proof logging. The idea is as follows:

  • The solver converts the high level constraint problem given into a low-level pseudo-Boolean model, written out in the standard OPB format (by default, using an extension that allows for flexible variable names).

  • If the instance is satisfiable, the solver gives a witness, in the corresponding pseudo-Boolean form. If the instance is unsatisfiable, we provide a proof in VeriPB format that the pseudo-Boolean instance is unsatisfiable. For optimality and finding all solutions, we effectively do both (the VeriPB format knows about optimisation and enumeration).

  • The user can then feed the OPB file and the VeriPB proof file to the VeriPB checker, which verifies that the supplied proof is valid.

So, this reduces the problem of trusting the solver down to two smaller problems: believing that the OPB file we produce is actually representative of the high level constraint model, and trusting the VeriPB checker. The latter we take on faith, although the VeriPB format is intentionally simple enough that you should probably be able to write your own proof checker if you prefer.

Encoding high level constraints in OPB format is mostly almost straightforward, because we deliberately use a very simple encoding, and derive any additional constraints or inference in a way that is proof-checked. The main problem is all the awful special edge cases: whilst you might think it is easy to explain what the constraint "(x < y) <-> z" does, this gets to be moderately fiddly when x and y have different and potentially non-overlapping domains. So, for each constraint, we test that it is defined correctly over a range of hand-crafted and randomly generated sequences of variables: we enumerate all solutions to the problem that has just that constraint, and compare them to a computer-generated list of all solutions that is created just using a piece of solution-checking code. This means that, if we believe we can write a function that checks whether "(x < y) <-> z" holds given ints x and y and a boolean z, then we can believe we have defined the constraint correctly, at least for the choices of test input. We then also run the VeriPB proof checker on the "find all solutions" search tree, to check that the OPB definition is consistent.

This isn't perfect, though: it assumes we can generate a good set of test variable domains. It also doesn't check edge cases that we haven't thought of, like "what if x and y are the same variable?", or "what if z is defined as a literal that mentions x?".

Finally, we also use this setup to test that a constraint achieves GAC (assuming it is supposed to): during every step of the backtracking search, we also check that every remaining value has a support. This isn't particularly fast, but it's not so slow that it's prohibitive to do it as part of a normal automated test run.


This work is supported by a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship. Part of this work was done while the author was participating in a program at the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing.


A constraint programming solver with support for proof logging







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