This workshop provides a detailed overview of the most popular services in Azure. After completing it as a lab, you will have experience regarding how to create a relatively complex solution following best practices. Previous knowledge of the platform (or the supervision of a trainer) is adviced to understand the details of the architecture.
Let's configure our credentials and create the basic resources, including a Resource Group.
export PREFIX=lab$RANDOM
# Optional, if not using the Web Shell
az login
az account show
az account list-locations --output table
az provider list --output table
az provider register --name Microsoft.KeyVault
az group create --name $PREFIX-rg --location westeurope
We will use a Storage Account to create a very simple static website. A newer and more powerful approach to solve the same problem would be using the Azure Static WebApps.
az storage account create \
--name ${PREFIX}stacc \
-g $PREFIX-rg \
--kind StorageV2 \
--sku Standard_LRS
Take this example as a way to familarize yourself with Storage Accounts and Blob Containers. Also, you will use the command line to transfer files between your laptop (or the cloud shell) and the container.
az storage blob service-properties update \
--account-name ${PREFIX}stacc \
--static-website \
--404-document 404.html \
--index-document index.html \
--output table
mkdir web
wget -O web/index.html
wget -O web/404.html
az storage blob upload-batch \
--account-name ${PREFIX}stacc \
--source web \
--destination \$web \
--output table
az storage account show \
--name ${PREFIX}stacc \
--query "primaryEndpoints.web" \
--output tsv
We will create a Azure SQL Server containing one database. And we will open direct access to it by creating a Firewall rule. In this case, this is not a recommended pattern, but the best approach (using Endpoints) will be shown later.
echo $SQL_PASS > sql_pass.txt
az sql server create \
--resource-group $DB_PREFIX-rg \
--name $DB_PREFIX-pokemondb-server \
--admin-user dbadmin \
--admin-password $SQL_PASS \
--output table
az sql db create \
--resource-group $DB_PREFIX-rg \
--server $DB_PREFIX-pokemondb-server \
--name $PREFIX-pokemonDB \
--auto-pause-delay 600 \
--edition GeneralPurpose \
--family Gen5 \
--capacity 1 \
--compute-model Serverless \
--zone-redundant false \
--tags Owner=$DB_PREFIX Project=pokemon \
--output table
az sql server firewall-rule create \
--resource-group $DB_PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-pokemondb-server-fw-rule \
--server $DB_PREFIX-pokemondb-server \
--start-ip-address $MY_IP \
--end-ip-address $MY_IP \
--output table
mssql-cli is a very nice tool to interact with SQL Server and other compatible database engines. We will use it to connect to our instance and check everything has been properly setup.
wget -qO- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo curl -o /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft.list "$(lsb_release -sr)/prod.list"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mssql-cli -y
mssql-cli --version
The following instructions will list the content of the database and will execute a data dump stored in a pastebin page. Basically, we pipe the content of that file throght mssql-cli
to insert rows into our new database.
mssql-cli \
--username dbadmin \
--password $SQL_PASS \
--server $SQL_URL \
--database $PREFIX-pokemonDB \
--query "\ld"
curl -s | \
mssql-cli \
--username dbadmin \
--password $SQL_PASS \
--server $SQL_URL \
--database $PREFIX-pokemonDB
Managed Identities are the best way to provide credentials to our applications running inside VMs or WebApps. We will use them to allow an application to acces Azure Key Vault, the only correct way to store sensitive information like the connection string to our database.
az keyvault create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-vault \
--output table
az identity create \
--name $PREFIX-pokemonapp-msi \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg
PRINCIPAL=$(az identity show \
--name $PREFIX-pokemonapp-msi \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--query principalId \
--output tsv) && echo $PRINCIPAL
az keyvault set-policy \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-vault \
--secret-permission get \
--object-id $PRINCIPAL \
--output table
The connection string contains sensitive information, like the database password. We will save it into the Key Vault created previously.
SQL_CONN=$(az sql db show-connection-string \
--client odbc \
--auth-type SqlPassword \
--name $PREFIX-pokemonDB \
--server $DB_PREFIX-pokemondb-server \
--output tsv | \
awk '{gsub("<username>", "dbadmin", $0); print}' | \
awk '{gsub("<password>", p, $0); print}' p="$SQL_PASS") && echo $SQL_CONN
az keyvault secret set \
--vault-name $PREFIX-vault \
--name "PokemonDBConn" \
--value "$SQL_CONN"
az network vnet create \
-g $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-vnet \
--address-prefix \
--subnet-name $PREFIX-subnet-public \
The correct way to allow accessing the managed database from a virtual machine is not opening Firewall ports like we did before. Instead, we will create a Service Endpoint to set a network card of database inside our Virtual Network.
# This will only work with subscription-wide privileges. Don't worry if it is not your case.
az network vnet list-endpoint-services \
--location westeurope \
--output table
az network vnet subnet update \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--vnet-name $PREFIX-vnet \
--name $PREFIX-subnet-public \
--service-endpoints Microsoft.Sql \
--output table
# Subnet and Azure SQL may be in different resource groups, so we need the full resource name
SUBNET_ID=$(az network vnet subnet show --resource-group $PREFIX-rg --vnet-name $PREFIX-vnet --name $PREFIX-subnet-public --query id --output tsv) && echo Public subnet ID: $SUBNET_ID
az sql server vnet-rule create \
--name $PREFIX-pokemondb-server-firewall-rule \
--resource-group $DB_PREFIX-rg \
--server $DB_PREFIX-pokemondb-server \
--subnet $SUBNET_ID
Network Security Groups are the preferred way to protect traffic inside the Virtual Networks. They can be attached to both VMs and Subnets, and it is perfectly fine to do it both ways. In this case, we will create a security group opening administration ports (port 22, not the best practice) and web traffic (80 and 8080).
az network nsg create \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-nsg \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg
az network nsg rule create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-nsg-ssh \
--nsg-name $PREFIX-pokemon-nsg \
--priority 220 \
--access Allow \
--source-address-prefixes $MY_IP \
--destination-port-ranges 22 \
--protocol Tcp \
--description "Allow ssh administration (bad idea)"
az network nsg rule create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-nsg-web \
--nsg-name $PREFIX-pokemon-nsg \
--priority 200 \
--access Allow \
--source-address-prefixes Internet \
--destination-port-ranges 80 8080 \
--protocol Tcp \
--description "Allow traffic to pokemon app"
This Virtual Machine will have the Managed Identity attached to it, allowing access to the Key Vault from where an application (installed later) will retrieve the connection string to the database. Also, we will attach the previously created Network Security Group to it, so we will be able to ssh
inside the VM and also access the server running inside using our browser.
# Show all resources created: PublicIP, VMNic, vm-Disk and vm
az vm create \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-vm \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--image UbuntuLTS \
--admin-username $PREFIX \
--vnet-name $PREFIX-vnet \
--subnet $PREFIX-subnet-public \
--authentication-type ssh \
--assign-identity $PREFIX-pokemonapp-msi \
--nsg $PREFIX-pokemon-nsg \
--generate-ssh-keys \
--size Standard_DS1_v2 \
--tags Owner=$PREFIX Project=pokemon Name="Pokemon VM"
Extensions are not recommended anymore for installing software, as it takes time to execute them. But they are still present in many scenarios, so we will take advantage of this mechanism to install a Pokemon web application inside the previosly created server.
The next instructions will generate the script to be run inside the VM.
cat << EOF >
sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install curl dirmngr apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt -y install nodejs gcc g++ make
git clone
cd pokemon-nodejs
git checkout azure-demo
npm install
export PORT=8080
export KEY_VAULT_URI=https://$
# Important: avoid blocking the extension mechanism by running the app in background
node app.js > app.log &
Now we will use a Storage Account to store the script.
az storage blob upload \
--account-name ${PREFIX}stacc \
--container-name \$web \
--file ./ \
--name \
--output table
SCRIPT_URL=$(az storage account show \
--name ${PREFIX}stacc \
--query "primaryEndpoints.web" \
--output tsv) && echo $SCRIPT_URL
Now, we will instruct the VM to execute the run script Extension, downloading the script and executing it to install and run the Pokemon application.
az vm extension set \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--vm-name $PREFIX-pokemon-vm \
--name customScript \
--publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions \
--settings "{\"fileUris\": [\"$SCRIPT_URL\"],\"commandToExecute\": \"./\"}"
Finally, we can retrieve the IP of the VM and (hopefully) we will be able to access the logs of the server and the application itself.
VM_IP=$(az vm list-ip-addresses \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-vm \
--query [0][0].ipAddress \
--output tsv) && echo $VM_IP
ssh $PREFIX@$VM_IP \
sudo cat /var/lib/waagent/custom-script/download/0/pokemon-nodejs/app.log
echo Click here: http://$VM_IP:8080
az storage queue create \
--account-name ${PREFIX}stacc \
--name healthbeats \
--output table
SA_ID=$(az storage account show --name ${PREFIX}stacc -g $PREFIX-rg --query id --output tsv) && echo $SA_ID
PRINCIPAL=$(az identity show --name $PREFIX-pokemonapp-msi --resource-group $PREFIX-rg --query principalId --output tsv) && echo $PRINCIPAL
until az role assignment create \
--assignee $PRINCIPAL \
--role 'Owner' \
--scope $SA_ID
echo "Trying again role assignment."
sleep 10
until az role assignment create \
--assignee $PRINCIPAL \
--role 'Storage Queue Data Contributor' \
--scope $SA_ID
echo "Trying again role assignment."
sleep 10
cat << EOF >
sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install curl dirmngr apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt -y install nodejs gcc g++ make
git clone
cd pokemon-nodejs
git checkout azure-demo
npm install
export PORT=8080
export KEY_VAULT_URI=https://$
node app.js > app.log &
# This time, using custom-data
az vm create \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-vm-healthbeat \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--image UbuntuLTS \
--admin-username $PREFIX \
--vnet-name $PREFIX-vnet \
--subnet $PREFIX-subnet-public \
--authentication-type ssh \
--assign-identity $PREFIX-pokemonapp-msi \
--nsg $PREFIX-pokemon-nsg \
--generate-ssh-keys \
--size Standard_DS1_v2 \
--tags Owner=$PREFIX Project=pokemon Name="Pokemon VM" \
VM_IP_HC=$(az vm list-ip-addresses \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-vm-healthbeat \
--query [0][0].ipAddress \
--output tsv) && echo $VM_IP_HC
sudo tail /var/log/cloud-init-output.log --follow
sudo tail /pokemon-nodejs/app.log --follow
echo Click here: http://$VM_IP_HC:8080
az storage message get \
--account-name ${PREFIX}stacc \
--queue-name healthbeats \
--num-messages 32
az network public-ip create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-lb-ip \
--allocation-method Static \
--sku Standard \
--output table
az network lb create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-lb \
--public-ip-address $PREFIX-lb-ip \
--frontend-ip-name $PREFIX-lb-frontend-pool \
--backend-pool-name $PREFIX-backend-pool \
--sku Standard \
--tags Owner=$PREFIX Project=pokemon
az network lb probe create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--lb-name $PREFIX-lb \
--name $PREFIX-lb-probe \
--port 8080 \
--protocol http \
--path /health \
--interval 30
az network lb rule create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-lb-rule \
--backend-port 8080 \
--frontend-port 80 \
--lb-name $PREFIX-lb \
--protocol Tcp \
--backend-pool-name $PREFIX-backend-pool \
--load-distribution Default \
--probe-name $PREFIX-lb-probe
az network nsg create \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-vmss-nsg \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg
az network nsg rule create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-vmss-nsg-rule-from-lb \
--nsg-name $PREFIX-pokemon-vmss-nsg \
--priority 200 \
--access Allow \
--source-address-prefixes AzureLoadBalancer \
--destination-port-ranges 8080 \
--protocol Tcp \
--description "Allow traffic to pokemon app from any L4 LoadBalancer"
az network nsg rule create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-vmss-nsg-rule-from-troubleshooting \
--nsg-name $PREFIX-pokemon-vmss-nsg \
--priority 220 \
--access Allow \
--source-address-prefixes "*" \
--destination-port-ranges 8080 22 \
--protocol Tcp \
--description "Allow traffic to pokemon app for troubleshooting"
az vmss create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-vmss \
--computer-name-prefix $PREFIX-pokemon-vmss-vm \
--instance-count 2 \
--vnet-name $PREFIX-vnet \
--subnet $PREFIX-subnet-public \
--public-ip-per-vm \
--public-ip-address-allocation static \
--load-balancer $PREFIX-lb \
--backend-pool-name $PREFIX-backend-pool \
--zones 2 \
--nsg $PREFIX-pokemon-vmss-nsg \
--image UbuntuLTS \
--vm-sku Standard_DS1_v2 \
--upgrade-policy-mode Automatic \
--admin-username $PREFIX \
--generate-ssh-keys \
--assign-identity $PREFIX-pokemonapp-msi \
--tags Owner=$PREFIX Project=pokemon \
VMSS_VM0_IP=$(az vmss list-instance-public-ips \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-pokemon-vmss \
--query [0].ipAddress \
--output tsv) && echo $VMSS_VM0_IP
sudo tail /var/log/cloud-init-output.log --follow
ssh $PREFIX@$VMSS_VM0_IP tail /pokemon-nodejs/app.log --follow
LB_IP=$(az network public-ip show \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-lb-ip \
--query ipAddress \
--output TSV) && echo "Click on http://$LB_IP"
az appservice plan create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name ${PREFIX}-prod-plan \
--sku S1 \
az webapp create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name ${PREFIX}-prod \
--plan ${PREFIX}-prod-plan \
--deployment-container-image-name nginx
az webapp log config \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name ${PREFIX}-prod \
--application-logging true \
--detailed-error-messages true \
--docker-container-logging filesystem
az webapp deployment slot create \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name ${PREFIX}-prod \
--slot secondary
az webapp log config \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name ${PREFIX}-prod \
--slot secondary \
--application-logging true \
--detailed-error-messages true \
--docker-container-logging filesystem
SA_CONN_STR=$(az storage account show-connection-string \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name ${PREFIX}stacc \
--query connectionString \
--output tsv)
az webapp config appsettings set \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name ${PREFIX}-prod \
az webapp config appsettings set \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name ${PREFIX}-prod \
--slot secondary \
az webapp config container set \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name ${PREFIX}-prod \
--docker-custom-image-name ciberado/pokemon-dashboard:0.0.1 \
--slot secondary
WEBAPP_PRODUCTION=$(az webapp show \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name ${PREFIX}-prod \
--query defaultHostName \
--output tsv) && echo Click on https://$WEBAPP_PRODUCTION
WEBAPP_SECONDARY=$(az webapp show \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name ${PREFIX}-prod \
--slot secondary \
--query defaultHostName \
--output tsv) && echo Click on https://$WEBAPP_SECONDARY
az webapp traffic-routing set \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-prod \
--distribution secondary=50
az webapp deployment slot swap \
--resource-group $PREFIX-rg \
--name $PREFIX-prod \
--action swap \
--slot secondary
This is the tutorial you are looking for.