Basic SES API integration with Rails specifically for transaction based emails - contact emails, user emails, etc.
# Gemfile
gem 'ses_api-rails'
bundle install
- Create an initializer file defining your AWS credentials as constants
# config/initializers/ses_api-rails.rb SesApi::Rails.configure do |config| config.secret_access_key = ENV['SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] config.access_key_id = Figaro.env.aws_access_key_id config.aws_region = "us-east-1" config.ses_endpoint = "" end
There are many ways to accomplish this. The above shows 3 different methods. Personally I recommend the Figaro Gem.
Subclass the SesApi::Rails::Mailer class in your CustomMailer or in your ApplicationMailer
# app/mailers/custom_mailer.rb class CustomMailer < SesApi::Rails::Mailer ... def contact mail to: "", subject: "Via Ses" end end
Instantiate the mailer where appropriate.
# app/controllers/contacts_controller.rb def create @contact = if @contact.valid?! redirect_to contact_success_path, notice: "Thank you for your contact request." else render :new end end
(OPTIONAL) After the ses_api-rails gem is installed, add your Amazon AWS / SES credentials to environment variables.
NOTE: There are many ways to set environment variables. This example uses the Figaro gem.# Gemfile gem 'figaro'
bundle install figaro install
# config/application.yml SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "secret_access_key" AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "aws_access_key_id" AWS_REGION: "us-east-1" SES_ENDPOINT: ""
Create an initializer that assigns your AWS credentials to constants. There are multiple ways to accomplish this including simply hardcoding a string value. The example below uses Figaro environment variables.
# config/initializers/ses_api-rails.rb SesApi::Rails.configure do |config| config.secret_access_key = Figaro.env.secret_access_key config.access_key_id = Figaro.env.aws_access_key_id config.aws_region = Figaro.env.aws_region config.ses_endpoint = Figaro.env.ses_endpoint end
Create a Mailer that subclasses the SesApi::Rails::Mailer
rails g mailer ContactMailer
If you are only sending email from the Amazon Ses Api, you can subclass the ApplicationMailer. Otherwise subclass the Mailer that will use the Ses delivery method.Using the Amazon Ses API as the only delivery method application-wide
# app/mailers/application_mailer.rb class ApplicationMailer < SesApi::Rails::Mailer default from: "" layout 'mailer' end
# app/mailers/contact_mailer.rb class ContactMailer < ApplicationMailer ... def contact mail to: "", subject: "Via Ses" end end
Create a mailer view(s)
# app/views/contact_mailer/contact.html.erb <h1>Hello new contact</h1> <p>Include instance variables as you like using @contact.attribute</p>
# app/views/contact_mailer/contact.text.erb This is a text version Hello new contact
Instantiate the mailer where appropriate.
NOTE: This assumes that you have a form, model, etc. & is not covered in the installation guide of this gem.# app/controllers/contacts_controller.rb ... def create @contact = if @contact.valid?! redirect_to contact_success_path, notice: "Thank you for your contact request." else render :new end end ...
Is the library included? One way to do so is to autoload all library sub-directories:
config.autoload_paths += Dir["#{config.root}/lib/**/"]
Is the time correct? Recommend ntp or another time snychronization method.