This is a Rubik's Cube application I am developing to learn/practice the basics of game programming using OpenGL, SDL, etc.
To Build on Linux:
First install required packages: * libsdl2-dev * libglew-dev * libglm-dev
Run 'make' from the main project directory ('rubiks')
The game will be built and saved as an executable named 'rubiks' in the main project directory.
- Adjust cube size, window dimensions, and mouse sensitivity in the 'settings.conf' file in the main project directory ('rubiks')
- Hold right click and move mouse to adjust view.
- Click to select a block to rotate.
- Click off the cube to unselect a block.
- Use comma, period, and arrow keys to perform rotations.
- Use the 'r' key to perform a random rotation.
Much of the OpenGL code is adapted from a tutorial made by 'thebennybox':
The OBJ loading functionality implemented in and obj_loader.h is taken directly from sample code associated with the same tutorial:
Image loading is handled by the stb_image API: