MC2 is a small tool that aims at measuring, vizualizing, and storing resources (and ultimately energy) consumption data.
It comes with a simple probe software that runs standard commands (so far, the top
command) and parses the output to send it to a web client using Web Sockets.
The client displays graphs of resource consumption and will save the data in a database.
MC2 is work in progress.
You will need Java 15 to run the probe and an OS where the standard top
command is installed. It has been tested under MacOS and should work on Linux, but it may require adaptations for Windows since the top
output command looks different (contributions are welcome).
java -jar mc2-probe/dist/mc2-probe-0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Note that the probe will start an HTTP & Web Socket server on port 8091.
The UI uses the DLite low code platform to run. You will find the UI descriptor in mc2-client/mc2/mc2.dlite
To run it, just go to and connect to the probe by typing its URL (for instance localhost:8091
for a probe started on your local machine).
TBD. (work in progress)