Generated bindings for version 1.3.0 of the CASE Ontology.
These bindings are write-only: they support creating a CASE-compliant RDF graph from scratch, but not editing or inspecting existing graphs.
The entry point to the bindings is the CT.CASE.Bindings.DataSet
var ds = new DataSet();
The DataSet
class exposes a factory method for each owl:Class
in the ontology schema. The first parameter on each
method is the IRI of the resulting RDF subject; pass null
to generate a blank node instead. The remaining parameters
map to the properties on the Thing
being created.
Optional properties (those with sh:maxCount "1"^^xsd:integer
) have a nullable type and default to null
, which is
taken to mean "no value." Repeated properties (those with no sh:maxCount
constraint) have type IEnumerable<T>
and also default to null
, which is taken as equivalent to the empty Enumerable
. Required properties
(sh:minCount "1"^^xsd:integer
) have no default and must be supplied; a null
argument here will throw a
. Given the sheer number of parameters available on most factory methods, it is highly
recommended to use C#'s named arguments syntax for the property arguments:
// investigation:Authorization defines four properties:
// core:endTime (type xsd:dateTime, max count 1)
// core:startTime (type xsd:dateTime, max count 1)
// investigation:authorizationType (type xsd:string, max count 1)
// investigation:authorizationIdentifier (type xsd:string, no max count)
// and inherits ten more from core:UcoObject, including
// core:description (type xsd:string, no max count)
Authorization auth = ds.CreateAuthorization(
/* RDF identifier */ UriFactory.Create("http://data.example/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"),
authorizationType: "documentation",
authorizationIdentifier: new string[] { "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" },
description: new string[] { "Created as an example." }
The returned object acts as a strongly-typed wrapper around the RDF node and can be passed to subsequent factory methods to link nodes together.
// action:Action defines many properties, including
// action:result (type core:UcoObject, which investigation:Authorization is a subClassOf)
Action authAction = ds.CreateAction(null, result: new UcoObject[] { auth });
RDF primitive types -- those in the xsd:
namespace -- map to C# types according to the following table.
RDF type | C# type |
xsd:anyURI |
System.Uri |
xsd:boolean |
bool |
xsd:byte |
sbyte |
xsd:dateTime |
System.DateTime |
xsd:decimal |
decimal |
xsd:duration |
System.TimeSpan |
xsd:hexBinary |
byte[] |
xsd:base64binary |
byte[] |
xsd:integer |
long |
xsd:nonNegativeInteger |
NonNegativeInteger ¹ |
xsd:positiveInteger |
PositiveInteger ¹ |
xsd:string |
string |
xsd:unsignedInt |
uint |
xsd:unsignedShort |
ushort |
¹ NonNegativeInteger
and PositiveInteger
are struct
s defined in this package as thin wrappers around
with suitable bounds checks at runtime.
Open vocabularies map to classes with one public static readonly
field per member defined in the schema. To create a
nonstandard (xsd:string
) value, use the public constructor.
// vocabulary:CharacterEncodingVocab is defined as (equivalent to either an xsd:string or) one of
// "ASCII"^^vocabulary:CharacterEncodingVocab
// "UTF-16"^^vocabulary:CharacterEncodingVocab
// "UTF-32"^^vocabulary:CharacterEncodingVocab
// "UTF-8"^^vocabulary:CharacterEncodingVocab
// "Windows-1250"^^vocabulary:CharacterEncodingVocab
// ...and so on...
CharacterEncodingVocab ascii = CharacterEncodingVocab.ASCII; // "ASCII"^^vocabulary:CharacterEncodingVocab
CharacterEncodingVocab custom = new CharacterEncodingVocab("Java-MUTF-8"); // "Java-MUTF-8"^^xsd:string
// The constructor doesn't check if you pass a lexical value that matches
// one of the well-known values. That is, this produces the literal node
// "ASCII"^^xsd:string, NOT "ASCII"^^vocabulary:CharacterEncodingVocab.
CharacterEncodingVocab likelyBug = new CharacterEncodingVocab("ASCII");
The generated graph is available through the Graph
property on your DataSet
and can be serialized using any of
's serialization mechanisms:
var rdfGraph = ds.Graph;
new VDS.RDF.Writing.CompressingTurtleWriter().Save(rdfGraph, myIoWriter);
Bindings Version | CASE Version | .NET Version |
0.1.0 | 1.0.0 | Framework 4.7.2 |
0.2.0 | 1.0.0 | Standard 2.0 |
0.3.0 | 1.1.0 | Standard 2.0 |
0.4.0 | 1.2.0 | Standard 2.0 |
0.5.0 (latest) | 1.3.0 | Standard 2.0 |
Properties with no declared target type are omitted from the bindings. As of CASE version 1.3.0, this only affects the following properties.
RDF class | Property path |
action:ActionLifecycle |
action:actionStatus |
observable:WirelessNetworkConnectionFacet |
observable:wirelessNetworkSecurityMode |
The Thread
class is intentionally unconstructable in this version of the bindings. It maps to the RDF class
, which is not a bag of properties in the sense of the rest of the classes in the schema, but rather a
subClassOf co:Bag
with unique semantics.