This library contains Haskell bindings to the Polar query engine, and provides an API for the Oso authorization library.
module Main where
import Control.Exception
import Oso
-- Define ordinary Haskell types, deriving PolarValue to allow them to be used
-- with Polar.
newtype User = User
{ roles :: [Role]
deriving stock (Eq, Generic, Show)
deriving PolarValue via GenericPolarRecord User
data Role = Role
{ name :: Text
, resource :: Organization
deriving stock (Eq, Generic, Show)
deriving PolarValue via GenericPolarRecord Role
data Repository = Repository
{ name :: Text
, organization :: Organization
deriving stock (Eq, Generic, Show)
deriving PolarValue via GenericPolarRecord Repository
newtype Organization = Organization
{ name :: Text }
deriving stock (Eq, Generic, Show)
deriving PolarValue via GenericPolarRecord Repository
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Create a new handle to the Polar query engine.
oso <- newOso
-- Register any types used for RBAC
registerType @User oso
registerType @Role oso
registerType @Repository oso
registerType @Organization oso
-- Load the policy.polar file
expect =<< loadFiles oso ["policy.polar"]
-- Fetch data needed for authorization. For this example we'll just construct
-- some test values.
let circuitHub = Organization{ name = "CircuitHub" }
let oso = Organization{ name = "oso" }
let ourRepository = Repository{ name = "circuithub", organization = circuitHub }
let chRepository = Repository{ name = "circuithub", organization = circuitHub }
let osoRepository = Repository{ name = "oso", organization = oso }
let chUser = User{ roles = [ Role{ name = "owner", resource = circuitHub } ] }
-- Run some queries!
isAllowed oso chUser "read" chRepository -- True
isAllowed oso chUser "read" osoRepository -- False
expect :: Exception e => Either e a -> IO a
expect = either throw pure