Hello there!👋 This is a React project in which I am using TypeScript. In this project I made an API call in order to get the database of users from the website "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users". Using React Hooks (useState, useEffect, useParams) and React Routing I have managed to create a simple website in which I am listing these users with some basic information. Of course, if you want to find out more about them you can always click the buttons that I've created so that you can get into a new page in which I am listing even more information about these random users. Thank you!
- Node.js v16.15.1 or Newer
- npm 8.11.0 or Newer
Clone the repository and navigate to the created folder
git clone https://cirstea97.github.io/users-database.git
cd users-database
Install npm
npm install
Run the project
npm start
You can contact me here on GitHub or email at cosmiinn97@gmail.com