So many things to buy, so little time! Use Bamazon for your online shopping at the time that is convenient for YOU.
Bamazon uses the MySQL and Inquirer npm packages to create an Amazon-like storefront with a Nordstrom-like product offering. It takes in customer orders and updates the stores inventory/stock accordingly. Be sure to look for the message that comes with every purchase request! As the user, you will need to do the following to use Bamazon:
- Clone the repo
- Run ‘npm install’ in your terminal
- Input your MySQL password in the js file
- To initialize or reset the Bamazon DB, you will need to execute the bamazon.sql file content in a MySQL CLI or Workbench
- From here, start by typing ‘node bamazon.js’ into your terminal. You will then see a table showing the available items along with the price per unit and additional product information. Move through the item list with your up and down keys and hit enter on the desired item. You will then be prompted to input how many (the quantity) of the item you would like to purchase. If there isn’t enough stock, sorry… If there is, great! Your order is placed and you will be presented with the total for your purchase. Keep an eye on the quantity count in the table. If there was enough stock and you place an order, the total quantity will decrease. If there wasn’t enough stock and therefore an order was not placed, the total quantity will not reduce.
- JavaScript
- MySQL npm package
- Inquirer npm package
- Workbench
- Node.js
- Visual Studio Code
- Markdown
- GitHub
- Screencastify (Video)
Claire Gibeau
Bamazon is a back-end only app.