CiviCRM includes a few places in the user-interface that display blurbs or messages from This backend application hosts those messages. It's based on Symfony Standard Edition (~2.2).
Content authors see: Editing and updating messages
If you've already configured buildkit, then:
## Add hostname, e.g. " messages.local"
$ vi /etc/hosts
## Download and install
$ civibuild create messages --url http://messages.local
## Restart Apache
git clone
cd civicrm-community-messages
cp app/config/parameters.yml.dist app/config/parameters.yml
vi app/config/parameters.yml
composer install
./app/console doctrine:schema:create
Then compile the translation files:
cd l10n
for i in *_*; do msgfmt $i/LC_MESSAGES/alerts.po -o $i/LC_MESSAGES/; done
Then setup your http server (per preference).
By default, CiviCRM pulls messages from
. To
display messages from your own installation, put this in civicrm.settings.php
$civicrm_setting['CiviCRM Preferences']['communityMessagesUrl']
= 'http://messages.local/alert?prot=1&ver={ver}&uf={uf}&sid={sid}&lang={lang}&co={co}';
Use the command phpunit -c app
to run unit tests.
Check the error log on www-prod:
tail -f /var/log/nginx/alert.error.log
Try clearing the symphony app cache:
sudo -i -u commsg
cd /var/www/
./console cache:clear -e prod