The example of how to build the Theia-based applications with the gitpod-extension.
yarn build
cd app
yarn start
Open http://localhost:3000 in the browser.
yarn watch
Start watching of the browser example.
cd browser-app
yarn watch
Launch Start Browser Backend
configuration from VS code.
Open http://localhost:3000 in the browser.
Currently there are two types of Docker images: regular (theia/Dockerfile) and debug (theia/build/debug/Dockerfile). They can be build via their
For pulling from private repos there is a docker.npmrc
file with the needed auth_token for typefox-team.
See top-level README file for more yarn commands relared to building docker images.
The user typefox-team
can publish and retrieve the packages in @typefox
npm login
Publish packages with lerna to update versions properly across local packages, more on publishing with lerna.
npx lerna publish
The gitpod extension is designed to be deployed with a gitpod workspace backend, where the following envs are defined:
- GITPOD_HOST (the url prefix to call in order to signal activity)
- GITPOD_WORKSPACE_ID ( workspaceid is simply appended to the host)
- GITPOD_INTERVAL (the interval for doing keep alive requests in milliseconds, defaults to '10000'. )