Circle | Project | Description | Status | Grade |
7. | ft_transcendence | Create an online game web-app | ✅ | |
6. | webserv | Write your own HTTP server | ✅ | |
6. | Inception | Virtualize several Docker images inside VM | ✅ | |
5. | CPP Modules | Intro to OOP in C++ | ✅ | |
5. | cub3d | Explore ray-casting | ✅ | |
5. | NetPractice | Discover networking | ✅ | |
4. | Philosophers | Solve dining philosophers problem | ✅ | |
4. | minishell | Recreate a simple shell | ✅ | |
3. | fract-ol | Explore fractals | ✅ | |
3. | minitalk | Learn data exchange using UNIX signals | ✅ | |
3. | push_swap | Sort data on a stack | ✅ | |
2. | Born2beroot | Learn Linux and virtualization Fundamentals | ✅ | |
2. | get_next_line | Read from a fd line by line | ✅ | |
2. | ft_printf | Recode the printf() function | ✅ | |
1. | Libft | Create your first library | ✅ |