ColdADC test documentation for the February 2020 ASIC Review
To download the sources files: git clone
There is a Makefile for compiling the Latex files. Type:
The 'make' command will generate coldadc-testdoc.pdf
git status
will show the status of the files in your directory. You'll see the list of files that have been modified and also files that are "untracked".
git add <filename>
this command tags the new ("untracked") file to be added to the repository. You will need to issue the commit and push
sequence for the new file to show up in the github master branch.
git rm <filename>
will delete the file that you not longer want. The file will only be removed in github after you commit the changes.
git pull
will update your files to the latest version in github. It's a good idea of pull files often so your local version does not diverge too much from the master version.
git log
will show the commit history for the version you last pulled.
(1) git status
--> first to see the status of the files.
(2) git add <filename>
--> add any new tex files and figures that you want to commit.
(3) git rm <filename>
--> tags any files that you want to remove from the repository. Your local copy will be removed right away.
(4) git commit -a -m "Write a short note here about your commit"
--> this command only commits changes to your local repository.
(5) git pull
--> now sync your local respository with other changes in the master branch. You may need to resolve conflict if more than one people is working on the same file. This may happen for bibliography.tex since we all share the same bibliography file.
(6) git push
--> the push command will commit all your changes to the github master branch.