Create an object from a directory tree.
creates an object with keys for each directory (by name).
All files within a directory that can be required (.js
or .json
) are added to the directory object, using the base filename as the key and require('file.js')
as the value.
This is useful for things like loading test fixture data.
You can also customize how dir-obj
processes the directory tree
const fixtures = dirObj.readDirectory(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures'), {
// Use the `filter` option to filter all directories and files
// Return `true` to include the directory or file (call `file.isDirectory` to check)
// Return `false` to exclude the file or directory from the result
// The default is to only allow `.js` and `.json` files
filter: file => (file.isDirectory || file.isRequirable) && !== 'index.js',
// This function takes a File object and returns the value to be added to the object
// You can mutate `File.key` to change the object key used to reference the value
// You can return `undefined` to not include the file in the result
// The default `fileTransform` just calls `require(file.fullpath)`
// Example: Change whitespace in a filename to `_` then set the value using `require`
fileTransform: file => {
file.key = file.basename.replace(/\s/g, '_');
return require(file.fullpath);
// This function takes a File (which is a directory) and a value, which is the recursively
// calculated value of that directory
// Example: Do not include any directories that have no child keys
dirTransform: (file, value) => Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value).length > 0 ? value : undefined
Using the default options:
directory structure:
const path = require('path');
const dirObj = require('dir-obj');
const fixtures = dirObj.readDirectory(path.combine(__dirname, '/fixtures'));
describe('test', function () {
it('should work', function () {
nock(/api/).get('/ok').reply(200, fixtures.ok.success);
.expect(200, fixtures.ok.response.success);
Loading SQL files:
// Get an object where the value of each key is a string loaded from each SQL file
const fixtures = dirObj.readDirectory(path.resolve('../../models/sql'), {
filter: file => file.isDirectory || file.ext === '.sql'.
fileTransform: file => file.readSync() // helper function equivilent to `fs.readFileSync(file.fullpath, 'utf8')`