This is a mini-project that monitors your crypto account and miner (worker).
As you easily can monitor your account and worker online, the real purpouse of the project was to learn about the ESP8266 and OLED module.
Using the ESP8266 and connecting to my local WiFi, I was able to fetch data from the Nanopool API and plot it on the OLED display. As the module can serve as a server I also used the data to display stats on the local servers webpage. I also added two buttons, one for changing how the data was displayed and one for making a new request for the API.
Having the luxury of owning a 3D printer, I designed a small case to fit both modules. Below is an image of the final result.
- Arduino IDE >= v1.8.13
- ArduinoJson >= v6.17.3
- Adafruit GFX Library >= v1.10.6
- Adafruit SSD1306 >= v2.4.3
- esp8266 >= v2.7.4 (see video for installation)
- Wacom ESP8266 D1 mini
- OLED I2c IIC LCD Screen Module
There are a few variables that needs to be set before uploading the code to the ESP8266.
const char* ssid = "<your WiFi name";
const char* password = "<your WiFi password>";
const String accountId = "<your account ID>";
. The default is 0x3C
for the 128x32 display.
After setting your variables you would need to connect your ESP8266 to the computer. In the IDE choose board LOLIN(WEMOS) D1 R2 & mini
, keep the rest as default and select your PORT
Upload the sketch and wait for it to fetch the data. The OLED and serial monitor will display the IP you can visit to check out the webpage.
After running the code you can see outputs in the serial monitor at baudrate 115200