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Synthesising perfusion maps from TOF MRA imaging in cerebrovascular disease using generative adversarial networks

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Model Configuration Readme



  1. Data Preparation

    • Use preprocessing/ to package images as slices.
      • Creates numpy slices for model input during training.
      • Saves metadata containing dataset extremes (min and max values).
      • Saves image IDs.
    • Optionally, create a smaller batch of slices for test images to be generated every X epochs to check visual quality.
  2. Training

    • Run to train the model.


  • input_seq: The input sequence for the model.

  • output_seq: The output sequence for the model.

  • database: Specifies the database to be used.

    • Options: "Heidelberg" or "PEGASUS"
  • data: Specifies the shorthand for the database.

    • Default: ["hdb"] for Heidelberg, ["peg"] for PEGASUS
  • model_path: Directory path where models are saved.

  • gen_img_path: Directory path where generated images are saved.

  • extremesDate: Date on which the file with min/max values of the cohort was created.

  • gen_input_img_path_3D: Path for input images used during generation.

  • gen_output_img_path_3D: Path for output images used during generation.

  • extremesFile: Filename for the extremes file.

  • specificImgsToGen: Specific images to generate during training for visual checks.

Model Settings

  • save_model: Save model

  • save_every_X_epoch: Frequency of saving the model.

  • generate_while_train: Generate slices during model training.

  • nr_imgs_gen: Number of images to generate (up to five).

  • sliceToShow: Slice to generate as an example of model progression.

Training Settings

  • epochs: Number of training epochs.

    • Default: 80
  • paddingMode: Padding mode for convolutions.

    • Default: "reflect"
  • model_name: Name of the model.

    • Default: 'pix2pix-pytorch'
  • upsampling: Use upsampling instead of convtranspose.

    • Default: False
  • batch_size: Size of the training batches.

    • Default: 8
  • ngf: Number of generator filters.

    • Default: 256
  • nr_layer_g: Number of layers in the generator (UnetG).

    • Default: 7
  • nr_layer_d: Number of layers in the discriminator (PatchD).

    • Default: 3
  • ndf: Number of discriminator filters.

    • Default: 64
  • niter: Number of iterations.

    • Default: 10
  • lr_g: Learning rate for the generator.

    • Default: 0.0001
  • lr_d: Learning rate for the discriminator.

    • Default: 0.00001
  • dropout_rate: Dropout rate.

    • Default: 0
  • weightinit: Weight initialization method.

    • Default: "normal"
  • init_sd: Initial standard deviation for normal distribution.

    • Default: 0.05
  • init_mean: Initial mean for normal distribution.

    • Default: 0
  • slope_relu: Slope for ReLU.

    • Default: 0.2
  • patchD: Use patch discriminator.

    • Default: True
  • kernel_size: Kernel size (only for no patchD).

    • Default: 5
  • netG_type: Type of generator network.

    • Default: "unet"
  • pretrainedG: Use pretrained generator (only for UnetG).

    • Default: False
  • feature_matching: Use feature matching (only possible when no patchD).

    • Default: False
  • label_smoothing: Use label smoothing.

    • Default: False

Loss Functions

  • criterion_d: Loss criterion for the discriminator.

    • Default: "BCE"
  • criterion_g: Loss criterion for the generator.

    • Default: "BCE"
  • loss_ratio: Ratio for updating loss.

    • Default: False
  • reconstruction_loss: Type of reconstruction loss.

    • Default: "L1-SSIM"


  • optimizer_d: Optimizer for the discriminator.

    • Default: "adam"
  • beta1_d: Beta1 parameter for the discriminator's optimizer.

    • Default: 0.5
  • beta1_g: Beta1 parameter for the generator's optimizer.

    • Default: 0.5
  • beta2_d: Beta2 parameter for the discriminator's optimizer.

    • Default: 0.999
  • beta2_g: Beta2 parameter for the generator's optimizer.

    • Default: 0.999

GAN Architecture

  • WGAN: Use Wasserstein GAN.

    • Default: False
  • lbd: Lambda parameter for WGAN.

    • Default: 10
  • nr_d_train: Number of discriminator training steps per generator step.

    • Default: 1

Continued Training

  • continue_training: Continue training from a saved checkpoint.

    • Default: False
  • load_from_epoch: Epoch number to load the model from.

    • Default: 20


  • metrics: List of evaluation metrics.

    • Default: ["MSE", "NRMSE", "PSNR", "SSIM", "MAE"]
  • save_nii: Save results in NIfTI format.

    • Default: True


  • Run model in inference mode for test set.


Synthesising perfusion maps from TOF MRA imaging in cerebrovascular disease using generative adversarial networks






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