This project is our compiler for the Fall 2018 Progamming Languages and Translators class at Columbia University taught by Professor Stephen Edwards. We worked a group to design our own programming language and compiler for it. The Shoo_Final_Report.pdf details the development of our language, how to write a program in our language, and the division of labor.
Install OCaml and OPAM. OCaml version 4.04.0 or higher is required.
- Install dependencies:
$ opam install ounit
Build the compiler binary using make.
$ make
Shoo is a programming language with C-like syntax while supporting first class functions, structs, and type inference.
Here is a sample program written in Shoo:
struct Professor {
string name;
struct Student {
string name;
func(Professor;void) greet;
function createProfessor(string name) Professor {
return { name = name; };
function createStudentCreator(string defaultGreeting) func(string;Student) {
return function(string name) Student {
function helper(int i) string {
string x = "st";
if (i == 0 || i == 4) {
x = "th";
} elif (i == 2) {
x = "nd";
} elif (i == 3) {
x = "rd";
return str_of_int(i) + x;
return {
name = name;
greet = function(Professor p) void {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i = i + 1) {
println(name + " says " + defaultGreeting + " to " + + " for the " + helper(i) + " time");
Professor stephen = createProfessor("Stephen");
Take a look inside for the variables which set the path to the LLVM interpreter as variable "lli". Set the path to the LLVM compiler as "llc". Set the path to the C compiler as "cc".
$ make
$ ./