Digital toolbox gathering tools, methods, media contents to foster projects.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- ruby 2.4.0
- rails 5.0.1
- postgresql
git clone
cd la-fabrique
bundle install
cp config/database_example.yml config/database.yml
# Update database.yml to cope with your own database connection credentials
bin/rake db:setup
bin/rake db:seed
rails server
Your website should be accessible at localhost:3000.
Email notifications will be caught by MailCatcher. Install it if you haven't yet.
Then, to see the emails sent by the platform, open your web browser at http://localhost:1080 to access the MailCatcher interface.
If you want to generate 20 fake lightweight tools, you can run :
rake seeds:dummy_tools
RAILS_ENV=test rake db:setup
RAILS_ENV=test bin/rake db:seed
The project could clearly have more tests. Don't hesitate to contribute, I'll be happy to help !
Deployment successfully tested on servers with :
- ubuntu LTS 16.04
- nginx
Capistrano is used.
You have to copy and update a few files :
cp config/database_example.yml config/database_production.yml
cp config/deploy_secrets.yml.example config/deploy_secrets.yml
- Bootstrap4 - alpha6
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us. -> TODO
- Development, integration : Claire Zuliani - github account - website
- Design : Phi² - website
This project is licensed under the AGPL 3.0 License - see the file for details
- back office inspired by Modular Admin
- Open source license : MIT, Apache 2.0, and GPLv3
- What does this project do?
- Why is this project useful?
- How do I get started?
- Where can I get more help, if I need it?
- Contributing guidelines
- How to file a bug report (try using issue and pull request templates)
- How to suggest a new feature
- How to set up your environment and run tests
- Code of conduct