A powerful bundle of basic system (Linux) utility tools for your PHP web-application included with cpp-proc
Executes a command line (like "shell_exec" or "exec"), but in a more sophisticated way with proc_* and stream_* functions with more flexibility and feature-rich.
$Cmd = new \Utils\Cmd\Cmd;
if($stderr = $Cmd->exec('cat filename')){
throw new Error($stderr);
$stdout = $Cmd->output();
$Cmd = new \Utils\Cmd\Cmd(true);
$Cmd->exec('a heavy command that takes more time');
// Check once in a while how the process has progressed
$stdout = $Cmd->get_pipe_stream(\Utils\Cmd\Cmd::PIPE_STDOUT);
$stderr = $Cmd->get_pipe_stream(\Utils\Cmd\Cmd::PIPE_STDERR);
// The process has stopped executing
// The process completed unsuccessfully with an exitcode
$exitcode = $Cmd->get_exitcode();
// The process was terminated
// The process completed successfully without an exitcode
Calls an URL with curl_* functions.
$Net = (new \Utils\Net\Net)
->decode_type(); // Decode response content type like JSON to array
// GET request (connection is automatically closed when keep-alive is not enabled)
$response = $Net->request('https://the-url');
$Net = (new \Utils\Net\Net)
->decode_type() // Decode response content type like JSON to array
->keep_alive(); // Enable keep-alive connections
// GET request
$response = $Net->request('https://the-first-url?query=test');
// POST request
$response = $Net->request('https://the-second-url', 'var1='.urlencode('value of first var').'&var2='.urlencode('value of second var'));
// POST request with JSON
$response = $Net->request('https://the-third-url', json_encode($arr));
// Closes connection after use
$Net = (new \Utils\Net\Net)
->decode_type(); // Decode response content type like JSON to array
$file_upload = $Net->multipart_value('post_name_of_file', file_get_contents('/path/to/file/The-file-name.txt'), 'The-file-name.txt');
$post_variable = $Net->multipart_value('post_name_of_variable', 'the value of the variable');
$post = $file_upload.$post_variable.$Net->multipart_end();
$response = $Net->request_multipart('https://the-url', $post);
Executes remote command line via SSH2 with ssh2_* and stream_* functions.
Note: Remember to set the constants RSA_PRIVATE and RSA_PUBLIC with the correct paths to your RSA private and public key pair.
$SSH = new \Utils\SSH\SSH('root', 'host');
if($stderr = $SSH->exec('cat filename')){
throw new Error($stderr);
$stdout = $SSH->output();
$SSH = new \Utils\SSH\SSH('root', 'host', true);
$SSH->exec('a heavy command that takes more time');
// Check once in a while how the process has progressed
$stdout = $Cmd->get_pipe_stream(\Utils\SSH\SSH::PIPE_STDOUT);
$stderr = $Cmd->get_pipe_stream(\Utils\SSH\SSH::PIPE_STDERR);
* Technically it's not possible (from the same SSH session)
* - to listen for a signal when the process has completed
* - to fetch the exitcode of the process
* PROCESS COMPLETED (workaround)
* -----------------------------------
* Prepend the command with 'echo $$;' to print the PID of the process before it begins
* e.g. 'echo $$; command'
* Then check if the PID is still running from another SSH session via
* $SSH->exec_is_proc_running($pid);
* $is_pid_running = (int)$SSH->output();
* PROCESS EXITCODE (workaround)
* -----------------------------------
* Append the command with ';echo -e "\n$?"' to print the exitcode of the process when completed
* e.g. 'command; echo -e "\n$?"'
$SSH = new \Utils\SSH\SSH('root', 'host');
$SSH->upload('/local/path/to/file', '/remote/path/to/file');
High performance websocket server with Fibers (introduced in PHP 8.1) implemented with asynchronous and non-blocking I/O calls. It's designed with an interruptible main event loop, and it "spawns" new fibers/threads (in the same process) on each socket read/write.
class Websocket_server extends \Utils\WSS\Server {
public function __construct(string $task_name, int $verbose){
parent::__construct($task_name, $verbose);
public function onopen(\Utils\WSS\Client $client): void{
// A new connection was established
public function onmessage(\Utils\WSS\Client $client, array $message): void{
// The client sent a message to the server (The message from the client must be JSON encoded)
public function onclose(\Utils\WSS\Client $client): void{
// The client closed the connection
public function push(): void{
foreach($this->clients as $socket_id => &$client){
// Push notifications/messages to the client (The message is JSON encoded before sent)
$this->send($client, [
'msg' => 'Message to the client'
$WSS = new Websocket_server('websocket_instance1');
catch(\Utils\WSS\Socket_error $e){