Card-logic turn-based spacetrucking game. Very early in development.
- Simplified "galaxy" map: a connected graph where every node is star, planet and spacedock, all in one.
- "Cards": there's few base classes for game-entities (Player, Ship), and these can be affected by attached Cards. A Card can be something like a piece of equipment, a pending contract, random events, etc. Cards can also have cards attached onto them, e.g. an Engine card (attached to a Ship), can have a Muffler attached to it, and the Muffler can have a "Material: Adamantium" in turn.
- Players should be able to travel the galaxy with their ships, accept spacetrucking contracts, customize their ship and personal equipment, experience random events depending on circumstances (like encountering a ghost spaceship in a frontier system)
- More planned features TBD
git clone
npm install
- Not much to do yet
npm test
Feel free to raise issues and send PRs. Make sure the tests run.