What it does: Creates a reoccuring event, allowing invited people to state if they are In, Out, or Maybe via web interface.
How it works: Create-React-App, built on top of AWS Amplify. Utilizes AppSync for database, Cognito for users, lambda for scheduled events.
How to set it up:
cd oldmanhoops
amplify init
amplify push
Create a user account in aws cognito
Add yourself to the admin user pool.
Go log in to the app, appsync login won't let you change the password there.
Grab the Cognito > App clients > App client id > the one with clientWeb
Go to your AppSync backend. Log in via User Pools. Run
(update name/defaultTime as you see fit)
Run the following. It will return an event id. Copy this, you'll need it for step 9.
mutation createEvent { createEvent(input: {name: "CAC Lunch Hoops", defaultTime: "12:00:00-05:00"}) }
Go to your amplify console. Click the env you're working on, > Functions > EventInstanceCreate-
- Add an environment variable named "EVENT_ID" and set it to the event id generated when you created the event in AppSync
- Create a cloudwatch scheduled task to generate it week-daily. Remember to account for UTC (EST is -5)!
- You may want to run a test on it so it will create a event for today and you can verify the frontend
Thanks to @FullStackPho who's Medium article helped me figure out how to do queries for non-authenticated people
Also to @eliasericsson and @dantasfiles in the Amplify Gitter for making good suggestions.