- Social Goals
- seeds
- setup mailer (heroku addons:open mailgun)
- reminder_email_to_checkin
- youre_on_a_roll_email
- jobs
- create a job that searches through goals and sends reminders to checkin
- screenshots
- adjust checkin_log graph depending on goal.frequency & amount of checkins
- Redesign layout - make it more appy
- create the 'review' module
- at longer time scale, show previous answers + progress, then
ask things like:
- Are you satisfied with this progress?
- How much closer are you to your next milestone?
- How will you make better progress next week?
- at longer time scale, show previous answers + progress, then
ask things like:
- each goal can have multiple milestones
Using mailcatcher for development email finding. Run mailcatcher
in dev to see emails, then go to http://localhost:1080/
Preview emails with: http://localhost:3000/rails/mailers
- heroku addons:open scheduler
- rake task!!!
rake -T -A
gets a list
- Template questions (sep) that can be copied to new goals
- checkins actually work
- get rid of actual_questions
- allow addition of questions to a goal
- migrate to PostGreSql
- install groupdate & chartkick
- clean up new question page
- create a single feature spec
- create 'View Answers' page - pseudo reporting
- create checkin_log table
- remove goal columns: checkin_count and last_checkin
- Replacing dropdown question with radios
- Check original notes for personal development journal
- dont' include answers from checkins where answer = nil
- move Goal's questions to it's own page
- Make checkin count 0 for days without checkins
- created users page
- install a login / logout method - cancancan, devise, clearance
- change the 'checkins 1' to just a label that gets added to Goals
- small button shows only on xs screen for "Checkin"
- comment answers background readable
- Feature tests to ensure checkin operates as expected
- Move edit goal side menu into own buttons at bottom of goal#view page
- maybe have a button / alert that shows up when needing checkin in goal#view
- installed Puma webserver
- set up mailer
- set up delayed jobs
- set up scheduler to run those jobs
- set up a basic welcome email