This App is going to be a simple CRUD application where consulting projects can be tracked, edited and analysed.
This App (most recent master push) can be previewed at This is of course not completely up to date, but hopefully provides a useful perspective. You can signup with no problem.
This app will act as a database to record, monitor and manage consulting projects.
The workflow within a consulting firm would be to:
- Create a new project as soon as you have something on the cards (can be proposal, guaranteed work, etc.)
- Enter project details: associatied client and contact, project status, total $, probabiltiy win, service line, if the project would be a suitable reference
- Enter project splits: this assigns users to the project with different roles (coordinator, sales, involved)
- Complete. Now you go on to maintenance mode.
Once projects are created, there will be multiple ways to monitor projects / users / clients & contacts:
- All projects list
(index)- List of all projects. Can be filtered by active & inactive.
- Individual projects
(show)- Shows the details of a specific project and includes all related project_splits: showing the roles of each user
- User overview & dashboard
(show)- At the moment only shows basic details.
- Will turn into individual dashboard showing user's active projects, quaretly sales splits, reminders, etc.
- List of clients
(index) - Specific client page
(show)- Will show all assoc. contacts and projects
- List of contacts
(index) - Specific contact page
(show)- Not sure of specific use of this page yet...?
That takes us to the planned feature list:
- Project (& all other resources) entry
- Project searching, listing and editing
- Dashboard of user's projects & those needing updating
- Calculating of sales splits & project activity
- Email reminders
- Allocation of project revenue accross months & subsequent reporting
- All resources can now be created
- Not all can be edited yet. Still doing this.
- Pages
pages created for all required resourcesshow
pages for:- Projects
- Forms
- New / edit forms completed for all resources
- JS dynamic forms for project_split & project
- Auto filter contacts for client on new_project
- Auto enable/disable sales input depending on role
- Database & Model Structure
- Database is up to date with all models, etc.
- Model
- Devise (GEM) successfully installed to allow for user registration, etc.
- Formtastic & formtastic-bootstrap (GEMs) successfully installed to allow for easier forms
- Fix the jquery that changed the project->contact list. Wasn't recording any values in the form
- Front end form validation - Nod.js
pages- For Contacts
edit pages
for clients & contacts- Clients - make it obvious / requried to have at least 1 contact. Redirect to
new_contact(client_id :
once client created? - Project_split creation
- Have links to 'add' anther split to a form so 2 can be submitted at once? See (here)[]. I now know enough jquery to do this & render more partials
- Larger modules still to do
- Better filtering with Filterrific (#2 prioritity)
- Monitoring of projects and their time since update
- Email reminders
- Allocation of total project $ accross months & then report on timeframes
- Manage whether a proper amount of project splits have been created
- Validate that no duplciation is possible for project_split relationships
- Validate that Contact is a member of client for every prpoject!
- Status: Whether the project is current or not (Active, Delayed, Complete, Inactive)
- Job_number: Job number associated with project
- Total: Total $ amount expected from project
- Service_line: the service line the project belongs to
- Project_type: What kind of project it is (Proposal, Guarenteed)
- Probability: Likelihood of winning the project / getting the money
- Suitable_reference: Whether the project is a good example and would be a potential reference
- Client: the organisation and contact attached to the client.
Project Splits
- Project: associated project
- User: Associated user
- Role: The role of the attached user in relation to the project (Sales, Involved, Coordinator)
- Percentage: only required for sales, it's the percentage split of the sale
Note: Project-splits are 'nested' resources, meaning that the route is setup projects/:project_id/project_splits
will produce all the project-splits for that specific :project_id
. There is no way to access project splits without using a specific project. Paths become: new_project_project_split_path
Projects & splits are the main resources, so will probably leave it at that.
Apache LicenseVersion 2.0, January 2004