Aquarium Control Center
Web interface for my DIY dosing unit (ds_motor) and GEMBIRD SIS-PM power distribution unit
- DIY Dosing unit graphical interface.
- Interface for Gembird SIS-PM PDU.
- DS18b20 one wire temperature logging.
- RRD Temperature graphs.
David Cluytens
Before compiling, configure the proper compiler in the Makefile. Set CC = YOUR-COMPILER
Save and quit the Makefile
Type make to compile. Type make install to install the aquacc binary and scripts. The following files are installed.
- /usr/local/bin/aquacc
- /usr/local/sbin/
- /etc/init.d/aquacc
To automatically start the software on OpenWRT, a symlink must be created from /etc/init.d/aquacc to /etc/rc.d/S99aquacc