Create a library system
Based on an old Object Mentor's Course by Uncle Bob
User Stories:
- Librarians can register patrons
- Librarians can add copies of a book to the library
- Patrons can borrow a copy of a book from the library
- Patrons cannot borrow a copy that is already borrowed
- Patrons can borrow more than one copy if available
- The return date should be set two weeks from borrow date
- Young patrons cannot borrow age restricted books
- Patrons cannot borrow books if they have outstanding fines
- Patrons can return a copy of a book to the library
- Patrons cannot return a book that was not borrowed
- Patrons should receive a 50 cent fine for each day the book is late
- Patrons should receive a $5 fine if the book is damaged
- Patrons should recieve a fine for the retail price of the book if it is lost
- Patrons can pay fines
- Librarians can add CDs and DVDs to the library