This driver allows you to add all your Squeezebox to the NEEO remote. This is a work in progress, features like Album pictures, playlist navigation, squeezebox syncing, etc. will be implemented if the NEEO-Sdk supports.
This is a fork from but many things have changed:
- It embeds the SqueezeNode project ( from Piotr Raczynski with some little modifications.
- Players are auto discovered
- Spotify playlists and favorites are added by update a configuration file (settings.json)
Enable the “Audio” device in /node_modules/neeo-sdk/lib/device/validation/devicetype.js to be inline with the below
const TYPES = [
Edit (or create, based on the settings.sample.json) the settings.json file to configure your brain IP (if not specified, brain is auto discovered) and your LMS Squeeze Server Host and port. You can add your favorites and spotify playlists, they will be added as buttons.
SqueezeBox Players are discovered by the Driver. Simply look for their names.
After a SqueezeBox device is added, the Recipe must be enabled. Opens the NEEO App, navigate to Edit then Recipes, look for the device name and enable it. After this step, you should be able to launch the recipe.
Don't forget to add shortcuts button:
- albumname
- artistname
- titlename
- duration
- albumcover
The playlists configured in the settings.json are also created as buttons from their name. Add them as shortcuts to be able to launch them with the NEEO Remote / App.
To navigate between the tracks of the current loaded playlist, only the "CURSOR LEFT/RIGHT" arrows are supported.
Known issues:
- duration is not updated on the REMOTE but it is on the APP. Tracked by NEEOInc/neeo-sdk#62
- when changing the duration on the slider, the track is started from the beginning instead of seeking the right time. This is an issue in the Squeeze SDK seek function.
- Channel UP/DOWN does not work (don't know why) for track navigation.
To check if your driver is ready, you can run:
npm run test
This should displays the following lines:
2 specs, 0 failures
If not, checks the errors in the console.