This git repository is intended for instructional purposes. It is the source code that accompanies a JointJS blog post "E2E Testing: JointJS & Playwright" which can be found here.
Make sure you have the following dependencies installed on your system:
Clone this repository.
git clone
Change into the joint-playwright-e2e-testing
cd joint-playwright-e2e-testing
Install Playwright dependencies, and supported browsers. This tutorial and project uses "@playwright/test": "^1.22.1"
npm install
# install supported browsers
npx playwright install
Change into app directory. Install app dependencies, and serve the JointJS app.
cd app
npm install
npm run dev
You should be able to view the demo at http://localhost:3000/
You are now ready to run tests from the project root. Change directory to root if currently in app directory, and run the tests.
cd ..
npm run test
NOTE: Visual Regression tests should fail on the first test run as explained in the accompanying tutorial. This is because no "golden snapshots" of the application exist yet.