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Deploy Bicep

This action deploys a Bicep deployment or a Deployment Stack based on a deployment file. This can be either a .bicepparam or a .bicep file. It supports the use of the deploymentconfig.json or deploymentconfig.jsonc file for advanced deployment options.


This action supports a few scenarios:

Parameter file per environment

This is the most common scenario.

For this scenario, the only thing you require is a directory for the deployment and a .bicepparam file with the same name as the GitHub environment to use for the deployment. The action should then use the .bicepparam file for the deployment-file-path parameter.

In the following example, the dev and prod environments will use different parameter files for deployments, while using the same main.bicep template file.

<repo root>
  - bicep-deployments
    - <deployment name>
      - main.bicep
      - dev.bicepparam
      - prod.bicepparam

Bicep file per environment

Sometimes, especially when consuming public Bicep modules, it can become complex and cumbersome to ensure parameters are passed correctly through a *.bicep template consuming the modules to the respective *.bicepparam files. In this case, it can make sense to use .bicep template files directly as if they were parameter files and just hard-code the sub-module parameters. While this can be counter-intuitive, this can be a good practice as the modules you are deploying are not reusable. This is especially valid in scenarios where you use a subscription scoped deployment for managing the resource groups and consuming Azure Verified Modules (AVM) for the resources.

This scenario is supported in this action by referring the deployment-file-path parameter directly to the .bicep file. In this scenario, the .bicep file must be named according to the GitHub environment to use for the deployment.

For example:

<repo root>
  - bicep-deployments
    - <deployment name>
      - dev.bicep
      - prod.bicep

With configuration options

Sometimes there is a need to specify additional properties or parameters for a deployment that cannot be specified through the .bicep or .bicepparam files directly. For these scenarios, the action supports one or multiple deploymentconfig.json files.

You can use a single deploymentconfig.json that will apply to all the deployments and environments in the deployment directory, or you can use individual deploymentconfig.json files per environment.


The deploymentconfig.json file supports comments if you use the .jsonc extension.


In the case of conflicting .json and .jsonc files, the .jsonc takes precedence.

The most common reason for this is to alter the deployment scope for a deployment. By default, all deployments will be treated as subscription scoped deployments. If deploying directly to a resource group for example, you need to specify the resource group name in the deploymentconfig.json file. See the chapter for the deploymentconfig.json options for more information.

Example showing a single deploymentconfig.json file that will apply to all environment deployments.

<repo root>
  - bicep-deployments
    - <deployment name>
      - deploymentconfig.json
      - main.bicep
      - dev.bicepparam
      - prod.bicepparam

Example showing multiple deploymentconfig.json files that will be applied individually to each environment deployment.

<repo root>
  - bicep-deployments
    - <deployment name>
      - main.bicep
      - dev.deploymentconfig.json
      - dev.bicepparam
      - prod.deploymentconfig.json
      - prod.bicepparam


You can mix and match these. Having a common fallback file and an individual file for one or more of the environment deployments.


If you have multiple deploymentconfig.json files, they will not be merged. The most specific file will apply exclusively.

Bicep param files per environment using only public/external modules

The action supports deployments using .bicepparam files directly referencing Bicep registry modules. In that case, you do not need to have a .bicep file.

A common scenario for this is when deploying an Azure Verified Modules (AVM) directly to a pre-existing resource group.

Deployment Stacks

Azure now supports deployment stacks to manage the lifecycle of complex deployments.

This is supported in this action as well by using the .deploymentconfig.json file.

Deployment Config options

Sometimes there is a need to specify additional properties or parameters for a deployment that cannot be specified through the .bicep or .bicepparam files directly. For these scenarios, the action supports one or multiple deploymentconfig.json files.

You can use a single deploymentconfig.json that will apply to all the deployments and environments in the deployment directory, or you can use individual deploymentconfig.json files per environment.

See With configuration options for more information on the structure.

When creating a deploymentconfig.json or deploymentconfig.jsonc file, you should start with a schema reference to get proper schema validation and auto-complete options.

  "$schema": ""


Common options

These options are common for all scenarios

Option Type Required Description
disabled boolean false Setting this to true disables the deployment regardless of the triggering event.
triggers object false Configures settings per GitHub event trigger. See: triggers
azureCliVersion string false The Azure CLI version to use.
type string false Specifies the execution type. Either deployment or deploymentStack. Default: deployment
scope string false Specifies the scope of the deployment or deploymentStack. Valid options: resourceGroup, subscription, managementGroup or tenant. Default: subscription

Should be an object where the property name is the triggering event name and the value is an object specifying these options:

Supported triggers:

  • workflow_dispatch
  • schedule
  • pull_request_target
  • push
Option Type Required Description
disabled boolean false Setting this to true disables the deployment when triggered from this specific triggering event.


  "$schema": "",
  "disabled": false,
  "triggers": {
    "schedule": {
      "disabled": true

Deployment options

For normal deployments, the following options can be specified:

Option Type Required Description
name string false The deployment name. Defaults to a combination of the deployment directory name and the GitHub short hash.
location string false The location to store the deployment metadata. This is optional and will use either an organization default or westeurope if not specified.
resourceGroupName string true (if scope is resourceGroup) Name of resource group.
managementGroupId string true (if scope is managementGroup) The management group id.

Deployment Stack options

For deployment stacks, the following options can be specified:

Option Type Required Description
name string true The name of the deployment stack.
location string false The location to store deployment stack. This is optional and will use either an organization default or westeurope if not specified.
resourceGroupName string true (if scope is resourceGroup) Name of resource group.
managementGroupId string true (if scope is managementGroup) The management group id.
deploymentResourceGroup string false Only available for subscription scoped deployments. The scope at which the initial deployment should be created. If a scope is not specified, it will default to the scope of the deployment stack.
deploymentSubscription string false Only available for managementGroup scoped deployments. The scope at which the initial deployment should be created. If a scope is not specified, it will default to the scope of the deployment stack.
actionOnUnmanage object true Defines the behavior of resources that are not managed immediately after the stack is updated. See: actionOnUnmanage
bypassStackOutOfSyncError boolean false Flag to bypass service errors that indicate the stack resource list is not correctly synchronized. Default: 'false'.
denySettings object true Defines how resources deployed by the stack are locked. See: denySettings
description string false Deployment stack description.
tags object false Deployment stack resource tags. Key=value format.
Option Type Required Description
resources string true Valid options: delete or detatch. Specifies the action that should be taken on the resource when the deployment stack is deleted. Delete will attempt to delete the resource from Azure. Detach will leave the resource in it's current state.
resourceGroups string false Valid options: delete or detatch. Default: detach. Specifies the action that should be taken on the resource when the deployment stack is deleted. Delete will attempt to delete the resource from Azure. Detach will leave the resource in it's current state.
managementGroups string false Valid options: delete or detatch. Default: detach. Specifies the action that should be taken on the resource when the deployment stack is deleted. Delete will attempt to delete the resource from Azure. Detach will leave the resource in it's current state.


  "$schema": "",
  "type": "deploymentStack",
  "scope": "subscription",
  "name": "stackName",
  "actionOnUnmanage": {
    "resources": "delete",
    "resourceGroups": "delete"
Option Type Required Description
applyToChildScopes boolean false DenySettings will be applied to child scopes. Default: 'false'.
excludedActions array false List of role-based management operations that are excluded from the denySettings. Up to 200 actions are permitted. If the denySetting mode is set to 'denyWriteAndDelete', then the following actions are automatically appended to 'excludedActions': '*/read' and 'Microsoft.Authorization/locks/delete'. If the denySetting mode is set to 'denyDelete', then the following actions are automatically appended to 'excludedActions': 'Microsoft.Authorization/locks/delete'. Duplicate actions will be removed.
excludedPrincipals array false List of AAD principal IDs excluded from the lock. Up to 5 principals are permitted.
mode string false Valid options: denyDelete, denyWriteAndDelete and none. Default: none.


The denySettings object is required, even if no properties are specified.


If specifying excludedPrincipals, remember to add the Id of the deployment principal. Otherwise, the deployment will fail as the deployment principal is locked out itself. If the option is not specified, the deployment principal is added by default.


  "$schema": "",
  "type": "deploymentStack",
  "scope": "subscription",
  "name": "stackName",
  "denySettings": {
    "mode": "denyDelete",
    "excludedPrincipals": ["<guid>"]

How to use this action

This action can be used multiple ways.

  • Single deployments
  • Part of a dynamic, multi-deployment strategy using the matrix capabilities in Github.
  • Part of a pull request event to plan changes using the what-if: "true" parameter.

It requires the repository to be checked out before use, and that the Github runner is logged in to the respective Azure environment.

It is called as a step like this:

# ...
  - name: Checkout repository
    uses: actions/checkout@v4

  - name: Azure login via OIDC
    uses: azure/login@v2
      client-id: ${{ vars.APP_ID }}
      tenant-id: ${{ vars.TENANT_ID }}
      subscription-id: ${{ vars.SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}

  - name: Run Bicep deployments
    id: deploy-bicep
    uses: climpr/deploy-bicep@v1
      deployment-file-path: <Path to .bicepparam file>
      what-if: "false"
# ...


Single deployment

# .github/workflows/deploy-sample-deployment.yaml
name: Deploy sample-deployment


    - cron: 0 23 * * *

      - main
      - bicep-deployments/sample-deployment/prod.bicepparam

    name: Deploy sample-deployment to prod
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
      name: prod
      id-token: write # Required for the OIDC Login
      contents: read # Required for repo checkout

      - name: Checkout repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Azure login via OIDC
        uses: azure/login@v2
          client-id: ${{ vars.APP_ID }}
          tenant-id: ${{ vars.TENANT_ID }}
          subscription-id: ${{ vars.SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}

      - name: Get Bicep Deployments
        id: get-bicep-deployments
        uses: climpr/get-bicep-deployments@v1
          deployments-root-directory: bicep-deployments
          pattern: sample-deployment

      - name: Run Bicep deployments
        id: deploy-bicep
        uses: climpr/deploy-bicep@v1
          deployment-file-path: bicep-deployments/sample-deployment/prod.bicepparam


# .github/workflows/deploy-bicep-deployments.yaml
name: Deploy Bicep deployments

    - cron: 0 23 * * *

      - main
      - "**/bicep-deployments/**"

        type: environment
        description: Filter which environment to deploy to
        description: Filter deployments based on regex pattern. Matches against the deployment name (Directory name)
        required: false
        default: .*

    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
      contents: read # Required for repo checkout

      - name: Checkout repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Get Bicep Deployments
        id: get-bicep-deployments
        uses: climpr/get-bicep-deployments@v1
          deployments-root-directory: bicep-deployments
          event-name: ${{ github.event_name }}
          pattern: ${{ github.event.inputs.pattern }}
          environment: ${{ github.event.inputs.environment }}

      deployments: ${{ steps.get-bicep-deployments.outputs.deployments }}

    name: "[${{ matrix.Name }}][${{ matrix.Environment }}] Deploy"
    if: "${{ needs.get-bicep-deployments.outputs.deployments != '' && needs.get-bicep-deployments.outputs.deployments != '[]' }}"
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
      - get-bicep-deployments
        include: ${{ fromjson(needs.get-bicep-deployments.outputs.deployments) }}
      max-parallel: 10
      fail-fast: false
      name: ${{ matrix.Environment }}
      id-token: write # Required for the OIDC Login
      contents: read # Required for repo checkout

      - name: Checkout repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Azure login via OIDC
        uses: azure/login@v2
          client-id: ${{ vars.APP_ID }}
          tenant-id: ${{ vars.TENANT_ID }}
          subscription-id: ${{ vars.SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}

      - name: Run Bicep deployments
        id: deploy-bicep
        uses: climpr/deploy-bicep@v1
          deployment-file-path: ${{ matrix.DeploymentFile }}
          what-if: "false"