Graphical user interface for the MicMac Photogrammetry software collection
The main javascript libraries used to create the GUI are Electron, React and Threejs. The packager is setup for Windows 64bit, Debian Linux and OSX. The OSX version does have some issues that may be because of the old age of the Mac used to develop and test it, a 2006 machine running OSX 10.11.6
Information on MicMac can be found on their wiki page,
The homepage for this project can be found here,
These steps were adapted from , and
Under Linux (Ubuntu) distribution the installation procedure is as follows:
Open a terminal
Install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install git cmake make ccache imagemagick libimage-exiftool-perl exiv2 proj-bin libx11-dev
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install qtbase5-dev qtchooser qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools
Clone the repository:
git clone
Access the folder:
cd micmac
Create a directory for building intermediate files and access it:
mkdir build && cd build
Generate makefiles:
cmake ../ -DWITH_QT5=1
make install -j N
- N is the number of CPUs on the machine and can be retrieved by typing
nproc --all
- N is the number of CPUs on the machine and can be retrieved by typing
Add binaries to the
(change to the actual micmac bin path):echo 'export PATH=/home/src/micmac/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
Restart the terminal to begin using mm3d commands
These steps are for Mint Linux:
- Open a terminal
- Install nvm (Node Version Manager) - instructions are from
curl -o- | bash
- Restart the terminal
- Download and install Node.js
nvm install 22
- Verifies the right Node.js and npm version is in the environment (v22.11.0 and 10.9.0, Nov 2 2024)
node -v
npm -v
- Clone it
git clone
- Install it
cd micmac_gui
npm install
The App.js has instructions to run in dev mode
Ignore the browser error - "TypeError: window.require is not a function"
npm start
npm run electron-dev-linux
The mm3d path must be set before any controls will work
ctrl-shift-I will show the chrome dev tools
IMPORTANT : When developing on Windows use the Command Prompt terminal. Do not use a bash terminal.
Building the app requires Yarn which is included with Node. Activate it
corepack enable
The build command
yarn electron:package:linux
After the build the dist folder will contain the deb installer file.