Though 95% accuracy was previously achieved on measuring via CELEX
English morphology word forms, the following changes have incremented
the accuracy to 99%
1. Added more words to the set singular_uninflected
2. In the singularize method, changed the if condition for the set
singular_uninflected from
if x.endswith(w): return word
if x == w or w == x + "s": return x
because the former statement considered the words in the set to be
word endings. Hence, it affected words with prefix to the words in
the set.
The new condition checks if the word passed in the argument is
present in the given list as it is or with a succeeding "s" and then
returns the word's singular form from the list and not the word,
which may be passed in a plural form.
3. Added more words to the list singular_uncountable categorized via
commenting such as abstract ideas and expressions, natural phenomena,
general, etc for ease in reading and understanding
4. Added more words to the list singular_ie and dicts singular_irregular
5. Certain words which could be grouped via regex instead of adding in the
above mentioned lists and dictionaries were written in the form of
regular expressions (regex) in the singular_rules.
6. In singularize method, changed the if condition for the dictionary
singular_irregular from
if w.endswith(x):
if x == w:
because the former considered the word or key x in the dict to be an
ending to the word passed as an argument to the singularize method.
The latter condition checks whether the word w passed as argument is
present in the dict by equating it to x. If True, it returns the
singularized form of word w, that is, singular_irregular[x]
7. Added more regex expressions to the list singular_rules to suit the
singularization rules and improve accuracy for the singularize method
8. Henceworth, this commit solves the following issues opened currently
Issue - singularized on - earlier effect - current effect
141 , 175 - flour - flmy - flour
141 - colour - colmy - colour
141 - your - ymy - your
141 - olives - olife - olive
176 - hummus - hummu - hummus
9. The words added to sets singular_uninflected and singular_uncountable
were also added to the lists in dict plural_categories["uninflected"]
and plural_categories["uncountable"] for consistency.
It is to keep in mind that the 99% accuracy is reported after being
tested from the corpora/ and is subject to the dataset of CELEX
English morphology word forms only.